ADAM Audio - A8H Active Studio Monitor (Midfield)
At home across a full range of audio applications in mid- to full-sized spaces, the A8H is the right choice when you’re looking for the most detailed representation of your audio. The A8H is available in a left and right version. Total Peak Amp. Power: 340 W.
ADAM Audio - A8H有源专业录音监听音箱(近场)
它是一款三分频的监听音箱,能提供极其准确、解析度极高的声音,是能够满足高要求严格聆听使用场景中的理想选择。 A8H装载着一个8英寸的多层矿石纤维低频单元 (MLM)、一个极富创新性的中频单元以及ADAM Audio久负盛名的柏林手工精致X-ART高频单元,三方携手,共同带来超宽的频率响应范围。 与A系列其它成员一样,通过可旋转式的HPS波导技术和板载DSP功能,A8H能提供非常灵活而细致的声学调节能力。 在用户需要最具细节表现力的声音时,A8H就是明智的 …
重回一线梯队,ADAM 第四代 A 系列评测 | 叉烧网
2023年9月5日 · 用网线连接电脑,在 A Control 中打开“ADV/高级模式”小按钮,开启 6 段 EQ 功能,由于这个 EQ 能精确到个位数调节频率、精确到 0.1dB 调节增益、还可以调节 Q 值 (范围),
ADAM Audio - 来自德国柏林的高精度专业录音监听音箱
T系列是ADAM Audio全新推出的入门级专业二分频录音监听音箱,能为您带来极致的高水平表现,该系列包含了三个型号:T5V,T7V和T8V。 由于其价格相当吸引人,在有限预算下,T系列音箱可以让用户创作出同样优秀的作品。
A8X Active Studio Monitor (Near-/Midfield) (Archived Product) - ADAM Audio
With an absolute transparent reproduction of the high frequencies, a good midrange and an excellent pulse fidelity in the lower frequency area, the A8X shows its abilities as a very capable nearfield monitor. Workmanship and design is, just as expected from ADAM, top-notch quality.
ADAM Audio A8H-L 8-inch 3-way Powered Studio Monitor (Left)
Musicians who need rock-solid monitors will love the Adam Audio A8H powered studio monitor. The A8H flaunts 3-way operation and a proper tri-amped design for outstanding accuracy and superior efficiency. The A8H has three drivers: an 8-inch Multi-Layer Mineral (MLM) woofer, 3.5-inch MLM midrange, and Adam Audio’s X-ART ribbon tweeter.
ADAM Audio - A8X有源专业录音监听音箱(中近场)
ADAM Audio A8X凭借优异的线性频响和坚实的品质在比赛中胜出……复杂的交响乐录音作品中乐队结构和乐器方位很容易辨识。 概括来说,它拥有非常精准的声场表现。
S 系列加持!ADAM A7V / A8H / A77H 评测 | 叉烧网
2024年1月2日 · 以前 A77X 是 A 系列的旗舰,现在 A8H 比 A77H 更贵,成为 A 系列的新旗舰。 A8H 甚至不需要 ADV 模式 (除非校准房间),如果在背面板将低频衰减 2dB、高频衰减 2dB,几乎全程能达到 ±1dB,确实比 A77H 的原厂调教更严格。 如果衰减 2dB 的低频,下潜也有 34Hz/-3dB,而且下潜没有 A77H 那么陡峭,一般的混音几乎不需要低音炮,但有点奇怪是 40Hz 有个小坑.. 这两天北京寒冷,不知是否要多煲一下。 加上之前评测的 A4V 和 A44H,全新 A 系列的 …
ADAM Audio A8H - Sound On Sound
With an outstanding audio performance coupled with an attractive price, to me the ADAM AH8 represents terrific value for money. Whether you’re looking either to purchase your first pair of active three‑way monitors, or to upgrade or replace your existing speakers, the ADAM A8H should very definitely be on your audition list.
A8H Aktiver Studio-Monitor (Mittelfeld) - ADAM Audio
German Handmade Precision X-ART Tweeter with rotatable HPS waveguide. 8'' Woofer (Multi-Layer Mineral) 3.5" DCH Midrange Driver. Total Peak Amp. Power: 340 W. Frequency Response @ -6 dB: 31 Hz – 45 kHz. Max. peak SPL per speaker at 1 m: 105 dB SPL.