HM1 (Archived Product) - ADAM Audio
The HM1 is no longer being produced. Please have a look at its successor: The ADAM Classic Compact MK3!
The HM1 is a compact near field monitor. It is an ideal tool for small control rooms, recording vehicles and post-production suites. It is also perfectly suited for situations where a combination of no-compromise sound reproduction and a small footprint is required. The HM1 is a two-way ported passive system that uses a single A.R.T. tweeter and
哪位听过ADAM HM1这个小箱子? - 音 响 论 坛 -耳机俱乐部论坛
2009年6月28日 · 昨天去了上工批,路过一家ADAM的代理,进去听了一下HM1。感觉不错,5寸的ETON中低音在Audionet合并功放的驱动下即使表现大编织交响也可圈可点,ART高音也颇有几分润泽 ... 哪位听过ADAM HM1这个小箱子? ,耳机俱乐部论坛
德国ADAM HM1监听音箱 - 音源及其它设备交易区 -耳机俱乐部论坛
2018年7月10日 · 一款推荐给资深烧友的小书架,德国ADAM HM1这款HM1我打算由它的单元说起。 首先我本人一向对小书架情有独钟,严格讲是小钢炮型的书架,那种超越视觉的越级体验能令我兴 ... 德国ADAM HM1监听音箱 ,耳机俱乐部论坛.
Adam HM1 Monitor Pair Used - Reverb
Adam Audio T5V Studio Monitor (Pair) with Frameworks Studio Monitor Isolation Pads, On-Stage SMS6000-P Studio Monitor Stands, XLR Cables, Stereo Interconnect Cables and StreamEye Cloth
Adam Audio HM1 Compact Near Field Monitor Manual - HiFi …
This website is not affiliated with or sponsored by Adam Audio. To purchase HM1 spares or accessories, please contact the company via their website or visit an authorised retailer.
Adam Audio HM1 specs, manual & images - Hifi Speaker Wiki
Brand: Adam audio. Type: 2 way, 2 driver loudspeaker system; Frequency Response: 45Hz to 35kHz; Sensitivity: 86dB; Crossover frequency: 2200Hz; Impedance: 4Ω; Power handling: 60W; Recommended Amplifier: Dimensions: 300 x 170 x 260 mm; Weight: 6 kg; Year: 2010; Price:
德國ADAM(HM1書架箱)全新 11800元 (页 1) - 『胆艺轩器材交 …
德國adam(hm1書架箱)全新 11800元 高音单元虽然类似同为德国的意力,采用海尔博士技术设计,但声音走向与意力不同,延 伸很好、信息量足够、细腻、柔顺不刺耳的高频,结合充满弹性、Q感和爆炸力、直到45Hz
ADAM Audio HM 系列揚聲器 全線超特價發售 - review33.com
HM1為最輕巧型樂迷級鑑聽器擁有5吋直徑HexaCone低音單元和上級型號採用之A.R.T.型鋁帶高音單元。儘管是針對細小聆聽空間的小型體積設計, 卻能重播低頻達45Hz(-3dB)及凝造出驚人的大型音效場面。就算非常複習的訊源都可得到極豐滿和動人的音色, 一般典型小書架 ...
The HM1 from the company A.D.A.M. is the smaller brother from the tested in the march issue (No35) „HIGH Fidelity OnLine” model HM2. On the outside it seems identical, except the dimensions of course – this is a two way bookshelf speaker, ventilated with two, mounted in the front, bass-reflex outlets.
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