How does Adam Jensen compare : r/cyberpunkgame - Reddit
2023年10月21日 · Adam Smasher is a legend because you cannot stop him when he walks around that corner. Adam Jensen is a legend because you cannot stop him because you never even knew he had been deployed until your neck is turned around violently 180 degrees and realise he was behind you for an hour, and had been there half a day besides.
Best Adam Jensen Posts - Reddit
Adam Jensen In the world of Deus Ex, the augmentation of the human body is the bleeding edge of science. Cybernetic implants and mechanical prosthetics transform humans into stronger, smarter, better versions of themselv
Anybody still have the adam jensen ai voiceover mod?
2024年1月12日 · We just didn't get enough characterization of Adam in either of the Deus Ex games, and he's a pretty good drop-in for corpo-V, roleplay-wise. Edit: also, use Bing for your pirating needs. Google gutted that part of their search function.
[Deus Ex] In a straight-up fight between Adam Jensen and JC
2013年1月12日 · Long range fights, if Adam will try to use height to his advantage, JC can just climb the building and locate him with his long-range sonar vision (which isnt't hampered by cloaking). If Adam will truly be far away, JC can just take anything Adam can dish out and respond with his own sniper rifle. JC has all the power that Adam has and much more.
Adam Jensen vs V (deus ex vs cyberpunk 2077) : r/whowouldwin
2022年9月21日 · R3:Jensen pops his reflex booster and just lights V up with TESLA rounds before KOing him. Jensens slow down time is infinite as long as he has power, and has no cooldown or specific activation time. That’s also ignoring the explosive nano blades, invulruble TITAN armor, PEPS, Typhoon launcher and the Icarus dash ram.
potential Adam Jensen build : r/cyberpunkgame - Reddit
2023年9月22日 · Adam Jensen is a jack of all trades being chromed to the gills and capable fighter and marksmen. ready to go loud with a multitude of weapons when sneaking doesn't seem practical. if you have better builds that better utilize the …
So what do you think of Adam Jensen? : r/Deusex - Reddit
2016年9月6日 · Honestly, when I first played HR back when it launched, I figured Elias Toufexis (Adam Jensen) was just doing a character voice to make Adam Jensen sound like the gruff, manly badass everyone expects him to be. Then I happened to see an interview he did leading up to the game's launch and realized that's just his normal fucking voice.
*Spoilers* Theory about Jensen : r/Deusex - Reddit
2016年9月3日 · This Jensen 2.0 has been implanted with the chip and now has the original Adam's memories and personality. Although this means original Jensen was at least alive at the time his memories were taken, Cipra explains how this works during the Harvester questline, as the chips were originally used on convict volunteers.
Adam Smasher vs Adam Jensen - Who wins in a fight to the death?
2022年7月14日 · Augmented Jensen wins, no doubts here, Adam is smart, quick, resourceful and well equipped to deal with any threat really. Without augs though... You do realize, that Smasher is a walking armoured truck with scanners, aimbot, heavy machine gun, missile launcher and whatnot, while organic Jensen was screwed by a glass wall and a single bullet?
Adam Jensen(Deus Ex) vs V(Cyberpunk 2077) : r/whowouldwin
2023年5月4日 · Adam Jensen was top percentage of his class and he came a SWAT team leader. Off the bat he's got experience in counter-terrorism operations and hostage situations. So the argument could be made that in this category he's …