S3H Active Studio Monitor (Midfield) - ADAM Audio
The S3H builds on the successes of ADAM Audio’s most popular studio monitors, the S3A and S3X-H, and, like its predecessors, sets new standards in terms of technical innovation and design. The dual 7-inch bass drivers, powered by a 500 W Class D amplifier, offer flawless reproduction of frequencies all the way down to 30 Hz.
S3H Midfield Monitor | ADAM Audio Shop
Unmatched in its class. The S3H’s design is not just iconic and a proxy for ADAM Audio’s sound innovations, it’s also the perfect pick for medium sized control rooms and studios. Equipped with the S-ART Tweeter, 2 x 7” ELE woofers and a 4” Dome-Cone Hybrid the S3H covers frequencies from 30 Hz up to 50 kHz. 5 year warranty available.
ADAM Audio - S3H有源专业录音监听音箱(近场)
ADAM Audio S3H S3H搭配了两个7英寸 ELE 低音单元,分别独立搭配500瓦D类功放,频率响应最低可达30Hz;同时使用了 SMA 对称磁铁装置技术,为使用者带来功率强劲、无失真、动态范围极宽的低频表现。
ADAM Audio S Series - High End Precision Studio Monitors
The S Series is ADAM Audio’s new flagship reference monitoring range, comprising five models of increasing size: S2V, S3H & S3V and the S5H & S5V (H denotes a speaker designed optimally for horizontal use, V the vertical version). The range is the combination of many years of advanced in-house engineering innovation at ADAM and the latest ...
ADAM Audio S3H Dual 7 Inches 3-Way Powered Midfield Studio Monitor
2017年4月15日 · Engineered in Berlin to the strictest tolerances, ADAM's 3rd-generation S series monitors feature cutting-edge technology, including new Extended Linear Excursion (ELE) woofer and DCH midrange driver designs as well as the S-ART tweeter — an updated, even more precise version of ADAM’s acclaimed accelerated ribbon design.
ADAM Audio S3H Dual 7 inch 3-way Powered Midfield Studio Monitor
The ADAM Audio S3H is an active horizontal 3-way main monitor intended for midfield applications. The S3H delivers the power and accuracy professional engineers demand from a precision reference-grade monitor; reproducing high …
超强继承者ADAM AUDIO S3H 了解一下(下) - 知乎专栏
S3H是横置设计的三分频监听音箱,总输出功率强劲,能满足中场监听需要,同时也能胜任小型的聆听环境。 ADAM S3H搭配了两个7寸ELE低音单元,分别独立搭配了500W D类ICE power功放,频率响应最低可达到30Hz,这些低音扬声器受益于SMA对称磁铁装置技术和ELE技术,为使用者带来功率强劲、无失真、动态范围极宽的低频表现;并且该类功放比传统的A/B类功放更耐用,有着更长的使用寿命。 ADAM S3H还包括一只使用300W D类功放的4英寸的DCH中频单元,它 …
双低音的ADAM才够味,S3H监听音箱亮测评 - 什么值得买
2020年7月28日 · 气动高音是adam用20年不断完善的核心技术,s3h使用的s-art气动高音,2英寸折叠薄膜,面积相当于传统球顶高音的五倍。 聚酰亚胺材质源自于航天科技,膜片又薄又轻,重量只有0.17克,每只S系列的高音单元从薄膜的折叠到组装都是在德国柏林手工制作完成。
双低音的魅力,ADAM S3H监听音箱亮测评 | 叉烧网 - exound.com
2020年8月9日 · 气动高音是adam用20年不断完善的核心技术,s3h使用的s-art气动高音,2英寸折叠薄膜,面积相当于传统球顶高音的五倍。 聚酰亚胺材质源自于航天科技,膜片又薄又轻,重量只有0.17克,每只S系列的高音单元从薄膜的折叠到组装都是在德国柏林手工制作完成。
ADAM Audio S3H – United States - Thomann
The ADAM S3H studio monitors are an excellent choice for professional audio monitoring, offering precise sound reproduction crucial for detailing in trailer music. Their X-ART tweeter technology ensures extended frequency range and clarity, essential for complex soundtracks and effects.
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