ADAM19 Gene - GeneCards | ADA19 Protein | ADA19 Antibody
2024年12月24日 · ADAM19 (ADAM Metallopeptidase Domain 19) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with ADAM19 include Fanconi Renotubular Syndrome 1 and Alzheimer's …
ADAM19 - Wikipedia
ADAM19 (A D isintegrin A nd M etalloproteinase 19, MADDAM, meltrin beta), is a human gene. [5] This gene encodes a member of the ADAM (a disintegrin and metalloprotease domain) family.
ADAM19: A Novel Target for Metabolic Syndrome in Humans …
To determine the potential novel role of ADAM19 in the metabolic syndrome, we first conducted microarray studies on peripheral blood mononuclear cells from a well-characterised human …
ADAM19 ADAM metallopeptidase domain 19 [ (human)]
ADAM19 is a protective factor for human prostate cancer. Further, this study suggests that upregulation of ADAM19 expression could be of therapeutic potential in human prostate …
ADAM 金属肽酶结构域 19(ADAM19)基因 | MCE
该成员是 I 型跨膜蛋白,可作为树突状细胞分化的标志物。 它已被证明是一种活性金属蛋白酶,可能参与细胞迁移、细胞粘附、细胞-细胞和细胞-基质相互作用以及信号转导等正常生理过程。 …
ADAM19/adamalysin 19 structure, function, and role as a ... - PubMed
ADAM19 plays essential roles in embryo implantation, cardiovascular morphogenesis, neurogenesis, and other developmental processes. It has constitutive alpha-secretase activity …
Progressive atrioventricular conduction block in a mouse myotonic dystrophy model. 这个基因编码一个细胞表面糖蛋白,并属于ADAM(整合素和金属蛋白酶)家族的内肽酶成员。 编码的蛋 …
ADAM19: A Novel Target for Metabolic Syndrome in Humans and …
To determine the potential novel role of ADAM19 in the metabolic syndrome, we first conducted microarray studies on peripheral blood mononuclear cells from a well-characterised human …
这个基因编码ADAM(整合素和金属蛋白酶结构域)家族的一员。 这个家族的成员是结构上与蛇毒整合素有关的膜锚定蛋白,并与涉及细胞间和细胞基质相互作用的各种生物过程有关,包括受 …
ADAM19 ADAM metallopeptidase domain 19 [ Homo sapiens …
2020年11月23日 · Title: Human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell-derived exosomal miR-335-5p attenuates the inflammation and tubular epithelial-myofibroblast transdifferentiation of …