ADAM8 Gene - GeneCards | ADAM8 Protein | ADAM8 Antibody
2024年12月24日 · ADAM8 (ADAM Metallopeptidase Domain 8) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with ADAM8 include Asthma. Among its related pathways are Innate Immune System and Extracellular matrix organization. Gene Ontology (GO) annotations related to this gene include calcium ion binding and metallopeptidase activity.
ADAM8 - Wikipedia
A Disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 8 is an enzyme that in humans is encoded by the ADAM8 gene. [5][6] This gene encodes a member of the ADAM (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain) family.
<br>巨噬细胞 ADAM8 缺乏通过 ANXA2-mTOR 自噬通路促进心肌 …
解整合素和金属蛋白酶 8 (ADAM8) 是巨噬细胞中的关键调节因子,与心血管疾病进展密切相关。 本研究旨在探讨 ADAM8 如何调节心肌梗死 (MI) 后巨噬细胞功能以抑制心脏修复。 使用 CRISPR/Cas9 系统建立巨噬细胞特异性 ADAM8 敲除小鼠 (ADAM8flox/flox, Lyz2-Cre, KO) 和相应的对照小鼠 (ADAM8flox/flox, Flox)。 进行骨髓移植,产生巨噬细胞特异性 ADAM8 过表达腺相关病毒 (AAV6-CD68-Adam8)。 最后,采用蛋白质组学、RNA 测序和免疫共沉淀/ …
ADAM8在恶性肿瘤转移中的作用研究进展 - 仁和软件
近年来研究表明,去整合素-金属蛋白酶8 (a disintegrin and metalloprotease 8, ADAM8) 在多种恶性肿瘤中呈现高表达状态,且在恶性肿瘤的转移中发挥着重要的作用。 研究显示,ADAM8过表达可减弱肿瘤细胞间的黏附作用,并促进细胞外基质 (extracellular matrix, ECM)降解和细胞膜上细胞因子释放,同时有助于肿瘤部位新生血管生成,从而促进了肿瘤细胞转移。 因此,抑制ADAM8有可能对肿瘤转移产生抑制作用,这使得ADAM8成为恶性肿瘤的预后指标和潜在治疗靶点,备 …
ADAM8 as a signaling hub in inflammation and cancer - FEBS Press
2023年12月14日 · As a signaling hub, ADAM8 controls extracellular, intracellular, and intercellular communication, the latter one mainly mediated by the release of extracellular vesicles with ADAM8 as cargo. Here, we will dissect the contribution of different domains to these distinct ways of communication in several pathologies.
ADAM8 ADAM metallopeptidase domain 8 [ (human)] - National …
2025年2月8日 · ADAM8 is a marker of residual CML cells. Authors conclude that ADAM8 promotes early metastatic processes such as transendothelial migration by upregulation of MMP-9 and shedding of PSGL-1 from breast cancer cells. ADAM8 on leukocytes holds a proinflammatory function in acute lung inflammation by promoting alveolar leukocyte recruitment.
The versatile roles of ADAM8 in cancer cell migration, mechanics, …
ADAM8 contains a multistructural operating domain and performs an essential function in extracellular proteolysis, including the liberation of chemokines and cytokines through ectodomain shedding, such as the immunomodulator, the low affinity IgE receptor CD23, TNF receptor 1 and IL-1 receptor 2, and cleavage of important ECM compounds, such as ...
多面手 – ADAM8 作为炎症和癌症的信号枢纽,The FEBS Journal - X …
2023年12月14日 · 作为 A 解整合素和金属蛋白酶 (ADAM) 家族的成员,ADAM8 优先在淋巴器官、免疫细胞和肿瘤细胞中表达。 ADAM8 蛋白水解活性的底物光谱并不排他性,但与肿瘤微环境中炎症和信号传导的效应子有关。 此外,ADAM8 与整合素 β-1 等细胞外结合伴侣的复合物在肿瘤细胞中引起广泛的细胞内信号传导,从而激活具有 STAT3、ERK1/2 和 Akt 信号传导的激酶通路,从而提高细胞存活率和增强运动性。 ADAM8 的胞质结构域包含五个 SRC 同源 3 (SH3) …
2019年2月22日 · adam8缺乏通过减少cs诱导的巨噬细胞内在凋亡途径的激活来增加肺部炎症。 人ADAM8蛋白水解从支气管上皮细胞中脱落表皮生长因子受体以减少体外粘蛋白表达。
ADAM 金属肽酶结构域 8(Adam8)基因 | MCE - MCE-生物活性 ...
与人类 adam8(adam 金属肽酶结构域 8)同源。 [由基因组资源联盟提供,2022 年 4 月] Predicted to enable cell adhesion molecule binding activity; metal ion binding activity; and metallopeptidase activity.