The ADASS conferences have taken place each year since 1991, and address wide ranging topics covering all facets of astronomical software. This figure is a composite of the conference logos or posters from the first twenty conferences, arranged in order from ADASS I (Tucson) to ADASS XX (Boston).
ESA - Logo ADASS - European Space Agency
Logo ADASS. Agency Logo ADASS. 22/09/2005 258 views 0 likes 223264 ID. Like. Download. Thank you for liking. You have already liked this page, you can only like it once! Details Related. CREDIT ADASS LICENCE ESA Standard Licence; Agency CAVES logo. Image 3217 views 4 likes. Agency ESNC 2013. Image 1200 views 1 likes. Agency
Services 2 — ADASS XXXII
ADASS Logo Artist Victoria is very lucky to have a wealth of Indigenous artists creating spectacular work. This year, the eye-catching and powerful ADASS XXXII logo has been designed by local Indigenous artist Margaret August .
Five days of talks, tutorials, Q&A sessions, demos and more will be hosted online from October 31st - November 4th, 2022. New techniques and technologies for astronomical software (invited speaker: François-Xavier Pineau)
Association of Directors of Adult Social Services - Wikipedia
The Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) is a charity representing directors of adult social services in England, and is a leading body on social care issues. The association aims to further the interests of people in need of social care by promoting high standards of social care services and influencing the development of ...
adass-website/Logo_summary.html at main - GitHub
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General 1 — ADASS XXXII
Logo Artist CADC. University of Toronto. University of Victoria. Open Menu Close Menu. Schedule Registration Submit Abstract. Register. Participant Information The Whova web plaftorm ... ADASS XXXII hosts Canadian Astronomy Data …
Home - ADASS
We are a membership organisation for those working in adult social care. As a charity we work with professionals, other organisations and people with lived experience to influence decision makers, policy and legislation – from the local to regional and national level.
adass.org/Logo_summary.html at main - GitHub
Contribute to makeaweli/adass.org development by creating an account on GitHub.
ADASS West Midlands represents the 14 directors running adult social care services for local authorities across the region. Our core purpose is to provide an improvement programme to our directors.