Ortho-, Para- and Meta- Directors in Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution
2018年1月29日 · Today we’ll describe the two main patterns by which various substituents “ direct ” electrophilic aromatic substitution. In one pattern, substituents direct the reaction to give …
Hydroxyl Group Substitution - Chemistry LibreTexts
One such modification is to conduct the substitution reaction in a strong acid, converting –OH to –OH 2(+). Because the hydronium ion (H 3 O (+)) is a much stronger acid than water, its …
16.5: An Explanation of Substituent Effects - Chemistry LibreTexts
use the principles developed in this chapter to predict in which of the three categories listed in Objective 3, above, a previously unencountered substituent should be placed. Make certain …
常见吸电子基和供电子基强弱排序 - 百度知道
诱导效应是建立在定域键基础上、短程的电子效应;而共轭效应是建立在离域键的基础上、远程的电子效应,在有机化合物中,往往两种效应同时存在。 参考资料来源: 百度百科—吸电子基 …
大学有机化学中的诱导效应和吸电子基团,共轭效应和给电子基团 …
有一个简单的方法,关于一个基团-RX,假如R的 电负性 大于X,那么它就是给电子的,反之就是吸电子。 比如烷基-CH3,羟基-OH,烷氧基-OCH3,由于C的电负性大于H,O的电负性大 …
Why is -OCH3 more strongly activating than -CH3 in electrophilic ...
2018年10月20日 · Facts I know: 1) More the electron density in benzene ring, the faster the reaction. 2) Lone pair on -OCH3 group undergoes resonance and makes ortho-para positions …
【2017年整理】取代基对于苯环氢碳信号的影响 - 豆丁网
och3是什么基团? - 百度知道
OC 15 - Notes - Stereochemistry of the Ionic Addition to an
An analogous reaction will occur with CH3OH that will add OCH to the more substituted carbon because of HX dissociation
Substitution Reactions of Benzene Derivatives
Substituted rings are divided into two groups based on the type of the substituent that the ring carries: Activated rings: the substituents on the ring are groups that donate electrons. …