AddToAny: Share Buttons by the Universal Sharing Platform
Share to any service, or add a custom service to share to. AddToAny gets people to the right destination to share or save your content, whether it's in a native app or on the web.
Share Buttons - AddToAny
Get share buttons for sharing to Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, email, SMS, and any other sharing and social media app. Official share plugins are available for WordPress, Drupal, Blogger, Tumblr, Joomla, TypePad, and other platforms. AddToAny is the universal platform for getting likes, shares, and follows via social media and other networks.
AddToAny - Share
Share a URL to any service. AddToAny helps you share to Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, SMS, email and nearly any social media or cloud service. You can share an article, a photo, or a video to mobile messaging apps, social networks, and even to your own private storage.
AddToAny Share Buttons – WordPress plugin | WordPress.org
Share buttons for WordPress including the AddToAny button, Facebook, Mastodon, WhatsApp, Pinterest, Reddit, Threads, many more, and follow icons too.
AddToAny Share Buttons的安装和配置 - 筑梦实验室
1. 找到AddToAny Share Buttons插件,安装并且启用。 登录网站后台,在仪表盘中找到插件,点击插件-安装插件。在右侧的搜索框中输入share开始搜索,找到AddToAny Share Buttons插件,点击安装并且启用。
AddToAny Share Buttons - WordPress.org China 简体中文
AddToAny是免费的–无需注册,无需登录,无需账户管理。 移动优化和视网膜就绪. AddToAny让用户可以选择从服务的原生应用或从WEB应用进行分享。 响应式浮动分享按钮默认为移动设备,可配置的断点使浮动按钮适用于任何主题。
AddToAny Share Buttons插件_WordPress社交媒体分享插件
2021年4月14日 · AddToAny Share Buttons插件是一款 wordpress社交媒体分享插件,用于把网站上的 post文章和 page页面分享到包括Facebook,Twitter,Pinterest,WhatsApp,LinkedIn,Tumblr,Reddit,微信等100多个社交媒体网站及应用中,给网站增加流量和参
AddToAny一個外掛搞定WordPress所有社群分享按鈕 - ShixiNote
2024年5月22日 · 推薦使用 AddToAny 來增加分享按鈕,免費、安裝&設定上非常簡單、支援多種平台、可以自訂按鈕的外觀。
AddToAny Share Buttons插件:轻松分享你的内容 - 云空间
AddToAny Share Buttons插件的核心功能是在你的WordPress网站上添加分享按钮,让访问者能够方便地分享你的内容到各种社交媒体平台和通讯工具。 该插件支持超过 100 个社交媒体平台和通讯工具,包括Facebook、Twitter、LinkedIn、Pinterest、WhatsApp等等,覆盖了绝大多数用户 ...
AddToAny: Share Anywhere - Chrome Web Store
The AddToAny share button makes it easy and fast to share and save links using any service.
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