Puffy Hand Syndrome and Drug Abuse - Banyan Treatment Center
Also known as swollen hand syndrome, puffy-hand syndrome is a condition that develops after long-term intravenous drug use. Puffy hand syndrome looks exactly like it sounds. People with this condition will have swollen fingers and hands from the tips of their fingers to their wrists.
Injected Drug Addiction-Associated Swollen Hands: A Case …
Puffy hand syndrome occurs in addicts who have injected drugs either intravenously, intradermally, or subcutaneously. It usually presents as bilateral reversible pitting edema of the hands; less frequently, it occurs unilaterally.
Puffy hand syndrome - Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine
2021年4月1日 · Puffy hand syndrome, a common complication of IV drug use, is not a well-recognized condition among general practitioners. However, addiction specialists, dermatologists, and vascular medicine specialists are familiar with this syndrome.
Mysteriously puffy hand: puffy hand syndrome - PMC - PubMed …
Puffy hand syndrome is a lesser-known complication of long-term intravenous DU and may affect about 7%–16% of intravenous drug users. 1 It may present after periods of intermittent painless oedema which finally becomes permanent. Presentation may be delayed years after the reported last intravenous DU.
Puffy hand syndrome secondary to intravenous drug use …
2021年7月9日 · Puffy hand syndrome is a rare entity associated with intravenous drug use (IVDU) that was first described in 1965 and affects between 7% and 16% of intravenous drug users. 1, 2 Clinical findings include painless, nonpitting edema and erythema of the dorsal side of bilateral hands, often beginning years after cessation of IVDU. 3 The ...
[Puffy hand in long-term intravenous drug users] - PubMed
Three long-term intravenous drug users, two males, one female, mean age 30.6 years (26-37) presented puffy hands. These patients had been drug addicts for four to twelve years (mean duration 7.3 years) and had stopped heroin injections for 3-5 years (mean 4.6), participating in a buprenorphine substitution program.
Puffy hand syndrome due to drug addiction: a case-control ... - PubMed
Aim: We studied the pathogenesis of puffy hand syndrome of intravenous drug use. We hypothesized that injections of high-dose sublingual buprenorphine, instead of the recommended sublingual administration, could play an important role in lymphatic obstruction and destruction.
Mysteriously Puffy Extremities: An Unintended Consequence of ...
Puffy hand syndrome is an uncommon clinical phenomenon associated with repeated intravenous drug abuse. It typically presents with contour changes at the dorsum of the hands, which can extend proximally to the forearm . Common risk factors for puffy hand syndrome include female gender, injection in hands, and poor antiseptic technique .
Puffy Hand Syndrome - Renaissance Recovery
2024年5月7日 · What is Puffy Hand Syndrome? According to this study, puffy hand syndrome is a rare complication of chronic intravenous drug abuse. Puffy hand syndrome is painless, and it may present either during or following a lengthy period of drug addiction. In some cases, this occurs years after someone quits intravenous drug use.
Mysteriously Puffy Extremities: An Unintended Consequence of
2022年5月29日 · Proper identification of puffy hand syndrome represents a crucial junction of interest to physicians as the syndrome can be used to recognize a patient’s past or ongoing drug addiction. Here, we present the case of a homeless 27-year-old presenting with erythema and edema in his extremities.