adidas GB 2018: Annual Report 2018
Using the world’s biggest moment in sport as the backdrop, adidas re-engineers the traditional campaign model through personal storytelling. The ‘Creativity is the Answer’ campaign brings together 56 of the most influential creators...
The 10 Best adidas Shoes Of 2018 - SneakerNews.com
2018年12月26日 · 1. adidas Yeezy 500 “Blush” Championing 2018’s chunky “dad shoe” movement, Kanye West’s sixth Yeezy silhouette led the charge in the year’s most exercised trend. Debuting in a neutral...
- 评论数: 4.1万
2019年3月13日 · In 2018, adidas delivered another year of significant top-line growth with currency-neutral revenues increasing by 8%. This development was driven by a 9% improvement at brand adidas, reflecting a double-digit sales increase in Sport Inspired as well as a high-single-digit gain in Sport Performance.
adidas delivers record results in 2018 - adidas Group
In 2018, adidas delivered another year of significant top-line growth with currency-neutral revenues increasing by 8%. This development was driven by a 9% improvement at brand adidas, reflecting a double-digit sales increase in Sport Inspired as …
不单单是双篮球鞋——Pro Bounce 2018 我将赋予它新的生命!
adidas Pro Bounce 2018 Low 作为阿迪团队球鞋的Pro Bounce 2018 ,正如同它的名字,Bounce贯穿全掌。 Bounce 科技可谓是阿迪中端系列的核心,在哈登B/E(简版)、利拉德、罗斯等系列中,都是赋予这项中底科技。
【凭栏说鞋】高性价比全能战士 ProBounce 2018 - 什么值得买
2021年1月8日 · 这双鞋的实际购入价是159,而且我一共买了3双。 满1000-400. 在当时的时间节点,ProBounce2018这双鞋也收到了广泛的好评,各大评测机构的2018年度实战排行中都少不了它的身影。 而当我发现在阿迪天猫旗舰店上有不少库存,并且还参加前x小时折上x折的活动时,自然完全锁定这个目标。 实际上操作上,其实我依然属于佛系秒杀派,仅限于守在12点下单而已。 然而出乎意料的成功下了两单,共买到了3双,可见当时这双鞋的竞争并不是特别激烈,库存保 …
Amazon.com: Adidas UltraBOOST 2018
Check each product page for other buying options. Price and other details may vary based on product size and color.
Adidas NMD Releases | New Adidas Shoes 2018 - Runner's World
2018年12月5日 · We’ll continuously update this list to reflect the latest, most inspired Adidas NMDs at the best price. BUY NOW. These NMD_R1s feature a clean, all-grey upper with red and grey stability blocks...
球鞋90秒第六十四期——adidas Pro Bounce 2018 - 什么值得买
2018年11月7日 · 本次 球鞋 90秒评测的这双Pro Bounce 2018 。 也是搭载了全掌Bounce科技,作为今年下半年阿迪宣传力度最大的团队鞋款,它的实战性能还是很有必要去评价一次的。 而且 相似的外观和同样中端的球鞋定价,它和hyperdunk X比起来又有什么不同呢? 我们先从它的外观介绍开始。 Pro Bounce 2018 采用织物鞋面,虽然都是织物 但全白色的鞋面分别使用了不同的材质。 我们可以看到 球鞋前掌到脚背下部,是使用了针织鞋面 ,并在鞋面外延缝入热压热塑性聚 …
Top 10 Must-Have 2018 Adidas Shoes for Every Sneakerhead
If you're a sneakerhead, the 2018 adidas shoe lineup is a treasure trove of stylish and performance-driven options. From the sleek adidas Pro Bounce series to the iconic Yeezy Boost 700, there's something for everyone. Each shoe is designed with cutting-edge technology to enhance your performance while keeping you looking fresh.