AdMel Technologies - Automated Storage & Delivery Solutions
Revolutionizing logistics with AI-driven automated storage and delivery systems. Our mission is to transform supply chain operations through intelligent automation, optimizing efficiency and reducing costs for businesses of all sizes.
AdMel - アプリ内音声広告・音声メディア
AdMelは、ユーザー体験を損なわずに収益化を可能にする音声広告プラットフォームです。 ノンディスタービング広告で、ブランドとアプリの価値を高め、好まれる広告体験を提供します。 【イベント】AdMel、東京ゲームショウ2024に参加! 【プレスリリース】ゲーム・モバイルアプリ向けオーディオ広告プラットフォーム AdMelが資金調達実施、パブリッシャ... WE ARE HIRING! 「広告とメディアの常識を変える、新しい仲間を探しています。 AdMelは、アプリ内オー …
AdMel 2025 Company Profile: Valuation, Funding & Investors
Developer of an in-app audio advertising platform designed to create a personal and engaging ad experience through audio. The company offers audio ad distribution for apps that allows monetization while maintaining user experience, enabling clients to capture user attention, increase brand awareness, and enhance engagement with non-intrusive ads.
Award Winning Garment Machinery & Seam Sealing Tapes
We manufacture and supply a wide range of high quality seam sealing tapes for customers across the globe. Our seam sealing tapes and adhesives can be found in the production of everything from waterproof jackets to PPE, Swimwear, Tents and other sportwear goods that require waterproofing and moisture transmission control.
Atmel START - Microchip Technology
Atmel START is an innovative online tool for intuitive, graphical configuration of embedded software projects. It lets you select and configure software components, drivers and middleware, as well as complete example projects specifically tailored to the needs of your application.
Momoka Takahashi - 創設者 - AdMel | LinkedIn
I am currently dedicated to identifying and supporting groundbreaking investments, leveraging my extensive background to foster the growth and success of innovative startups. · 職歴: AdMel · 学歴:...
- 职位: Want to see the future of audio …
- 位置: AdMel
AdMel - Products, Competitors, Financials, Employees, …
AdMel is an adtech startup specializing in audio advertising within apps. The company offers a platform for delivering non-disruptive audio ads designed for user experience and enabling app monetization without compromising user engagement. AdMel primarily serves the mobile gaming and app industry with innovative advertising solutions.
株式会社AdMel | 最新ニュース・プレスリリース
オーディオ広告市場の最新動向、パートナーシップ、プロダクトのアップデートなど、業界の重要な情報を発信。 AdMelの取り組みやメディア掲載情報をチェック。
AdMelがモバイルアプリ向け音声広告プラットフォームを開始、 …
2024年9月28日 · AdMelが音声広告プラットフォームをリリース. 株式会社AdMelは、ゲームおよびモバイルアプリのパブリッシャー向けに音声広告プラットフォームAdMel(アドメル)のモバイルアプリ向け提供を2024年9月26日に開始した。