GCSS-MC - Global Combat Support System Marine Corps
GCSS-MC gives the Marines a single point of entry for all requests for products and services, integrating data and providing greater access to near-real-time, accurate information up and down the logistics chain.
Document Identifier Codes (DIC) (located in record position (rp) 1-3 of transactions) provide a means of identifying a given product (for example, a requisition, referral action, status transaction, follow-up, or cancellation) to the system to which it pertains and further identify such data as to the intended purpose, usage, and operation dicta...
Description of Change: This change establishes two new management codes for use on the Supply Status transaction. Both new management codes are authorized for use in the Defense Logistics Management System (DLMS). The Defense Automatic Addressing System Center (DAASC) will support conversion between MILS and DLMS transactions when used.
1. Log into GCSS‐MC 2.Select GCSS‐MC Discoverer Reports User 3. Select Maintenance Production Report under DBI Custom Reports for Maintenance 4. Select the LOV button next to the Resource Group Box 5. Scroll through the list and select the Owner Groups for which you want to pull the MPR and click OK then skip to step 10.
DoD Supply Status Codes - Logtool
The RIC-From associated with the internet ordering application used for submission of the requisition/referral order is identified in the DIC AE9. Rejection is provided by the DoD Component responding to the funds verification request under DoD and DoD Component-directed business rules, and not the DAAS or the Source of Supply.
NAVSUP P-409 - MILSTRIP/MILSTRAP Desk Guide Nava l NAVSUP Supply Systems Publication 409 COG I Stock No. Command Revised 06/98 0530-LP-011-2240
为备战提供大数据,美国陆军全球作战支持系统概述 - 安全内参
2019年3月28日 · GCSS-Army 相当快速,系统的单一数据库可以快速处理信息,立刻更新零件运送进度、工作指令、维修排程等,而以前的软件则需要好几天才能做到。 车辆调度员不必再为了补给支持活动(Supply Support Activities, SSAs)校正数据,省下无数工时。
This revision provides information on the Department of Defense/Marine Corps Inventory Reduction Plan, policy for the materiel obligation validation, stock levels, assignment of safety levels,...
Global Combat Support System - Wikipedia
The Global Combat Support System (GCSS) is a web-based automated logistics system, for use by U.S. Department of Defense logistics specialists. This tool aids the specialists as they plan, and provide for, the materiel requirements for combat support.
DASF Management Chief Course.pptx - SCMCC DASF Management...
2023年4月17日 · • Format: The format for the DASF is dependent on what the user needs and can be modified during export from GCSS- MC. • However, the field names and what they represent remain the same. The Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) and MS Excel (.xls) formats are the most common file export formats.