For those with bad eyesight. Taurus PT-99 AF sights
2006年4月20日 · For any of you who have bad sight, especially older forum members who have eyesight deteorating from age. My dad owns a taurus pt-99 af 9mm and the front sight is built …
weird marking on my ar-15 upper reciver. need help
2008年10月30日 · AF = Alcoa Forge C AF = Colt Alco Forge C MB = Colt / Mueller Brass Cardinal (stylized) = Cardinal Forge CH = Colt Harvey Aluminum CK = Colt / Kaiser Aluminum …
AR-15, Upper markings - Springfield XD Forum
2008年3月8日 · I built an AR-15, It is a stag lower, and I bought a kit from M&A Parts. (two actually, one for a friend). Supposedly they are LMT uppers, but are unmarked since they …
9mm 3.3" effective range | Springfield XD Forum
2017年7月29日 · Hello all, I am still a pistol novice but have a veteran question. I selected the XDS 9mm 3.3" after watching many reviews from seasoned shooters hit amazing groups at …
newb needs first 9mm advice: ruger p89 vs. taurus pt92
2012年7月4日 · First oppurtunity is a Ruger P89 stainless version, with box and two factory mags for $350. The second oppurtunity is a Taurus PT92 AF with box, five OEM mags and 100 …
How is the "tree bark" and "snakeskin" stippling done?
2010年3月31日 · @Learn2turn Im active duty AF and yes the area is shady im about to apply for my MD CHP or whatever acronym they use here. I live on base so the regs say i can keep my …
carry handle foundry mark? - Springfield XD Forum
2013年10月6日 · AF = Alcoa Forge C AF = Colt Alco Forge C MB = Colt / Mueller Brass Cardinal (stylized) = Cardinal Forge CH = Colt Harvey Aluminum Circle/Crosshairs w/"AR" = ArmaLite …
XD and or HS2000 FAQ`s - Springfield XD Forum
2004年12月17日 · Taurus PT 99 AF 9mm para. w/ Pachmayr Grips Mossberg 500 Special Purpose 12ga. Where Bands Make It Rock ...
XDM 10mm Discontinued? - Springfield XD Forum
2021年12月31日 · Hmmm, I wonder why the 4.5 and 5.25" XDM 10mms have been discontinued? They seem to be very popular to me, so much so that the 3.8" OSP has gotten alot of attention …
My New Springfield Armory Hellcat Pro OSP
2024年2月19日 · Reminds me of the incident at Fairchild AFB where a young man that was part of the AF shooting team stopped a madman from killing more people. He grabbed a bicycle …