New AF469 - Code 37 | Physical Evaluation Board Forum
2010年11月18日 · On Monday, I received an email with my new AF469. It had me coded as 37. I was expecting it and decided not to fight the process. Everyone involved agreed to recommend discharge. The code was started for chronic upper back pain. A little background. I had compression fractures back in high school (T4-5).
A Detailed Explanation of the DoD IDES MEB/PEB Process...
2014年4月1日 · Welcome to the PEB Forum! :) From a procedural viewpoint and to aide with building your new DoD IDES knowledgebase, the DoD IDES MEB/PEB process is explained in detail as follows: After referral into the DoD IDES MEB/PEB process by your military PCM who initiated a permanent physical profile...
Code 37 since Feburary...need help - Physical Evaluation Board …
2018年12月20日 · My AF469 since February has been code 37 and says "member is undergoing MEB". "not fit for duty". The doctor on base urged me to downplay my symptoms for months and even came straight out and told me to lie so I can stay in the military. I did not follow his advice.
Af form 469 MEB started | Physical Evaluation Board Forum
2011年4月19日 · My profile was updated today and on my af form 469, it now states that I am being meb'd vs the box being checked saying I will be tree in 31-365 days. I didn't notice it until I was back at my office. Does this officially mean they …
Code 37. What is it? | Physical Evaluation Board Forum
2019年9月20日 · Code 37 and related procedures. Assignment Availability Code. AAC 37, Medical Evaluation Board (MEB) or Physical Evaluation Board (PEB)
Prior AD, Now ANG...100% VA, Pre-DES about to hit 3 years
2022年8月10日 · Dec 2021: Put on Profile/ AF469 generated for conditions unrelated to mental health (Degenerative Disc Disease/Anaphylactic episodes). No PT test/no deployments/severe duty restrictions. Code 31 marked on AF469. Removed from upcoming deployment. April 2021: During PHA, ANG Provider directs me to Wing Psychologist.
Air Force code 31 and PCS | Physical Evaluation Board Forum
2018年8月1日 · From AFI 36-2110: "Table 2.1: [Code 31]: Temporary disqualification for worldwide duty, including PCS (nonmobility profile).
Just started on Humira for Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis
2019年8月1日 · When your AF469 goes from code 31 to code 37, the MEB begins. Code 31's are usually normal (PT Test Profiles, etc.). In September when it expires it will not automatically turn into a code 37. Just to be sure monitor MY IMR once or twice a week to ensure no changes have occurred. Like chaplaincharlie said, you have a good chance of hitting 20.
MEB help | Physical Evaluation Board Forum
2020年3月11日 · Prior supervisor has agreed I generally fall asleep 3-4 times a day. I as well cannot seem to wake up in the morning and make it to work on time. The wife cannot even wake me up half the time. For these two reason I've been instructed to try and get a duty limitation added to my AF469. Something along the lines of an "Delayed Reporting Time"?
USAF AD GSU Under Patrick SFB - Bipolar II Timeline
2024年10月28日 · Although my AF469 reflects the MEB, I still have not received any message from the MDG, PEBLO, or my CC (I am keeping my unit updated on the process so they are not hit with a random email). I plan to follow up in a couple of weeks to see if I should be doing anything to move the process forward.