UISP airFiber 5 GHz Mid-Band Bridge - Ubiquiti Store
Compact, wireless point-to-point mid-band bridge with a 1.2+ Gbps throughput rate. $999.00. 1. Add to Cart. Powerful Accessories. UniFi PoE++ Adapter (60W) $29.00. Technical …
Thank you for purchasing the Ubiquiti Networks® airFiber® 5 GHz Point-to-Point 1.0+ Gbps Radio. This Quick Start Guide is designed to guide you through the installation, show you how to access the airFiber Configuration Interface, and explain how to set up an airFiber link.
AF-5, AF-5U Quick Start Guide - Ubiquiti
Install the airFiber radios at the site. Establish and optimize the RF link. Note: The AF-5 and AF-5U models share the same installation and configuration instructions. This section explains how to access the airFiber Configuration Interface and configure the following settings:
Designed for use in the 5 GHz frequency band, the new airFiber® AF-5XHD is Ubiquiti's first LTU radio, ofering greater channel bandwidths of up to 100 MHz, and more advanced RF components. Pair the AF-5XHD with a compatible Ubiquiti® airFiber X antenna or RocketDishTM antenna for a complete 5 GHz Point-to-Point (PtP) solution.
Ubiquiti AirFiber 5 Wireless Bridge (AF-5) - amazon.com
Users can deploy Air Fiber 5 almost anywhere they choose (subject to local Country regulations). revolutionary wireless technology introducing Air Fiber, a truly revolutionary point-to-point wireless platform from Ubiquiti Networks.
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Software Downloads - Ubiquiti
Browse downloads by product and explore popular and new Ubiquiti applications. Browse downloads by product and explore popular and new Ubiquiti applications. ... AF5. case studies. Hangout Music Festival Case Study. 2 Feb 2014. Download. airFiber® Case Study. 10 Feb 2013. Download. firmware. airFiber AF5/5U firmware v4.1.0.
Ubiquiti airFiber系列网桥 规格书datasheet用户手册 中英文
2024年10月31日 · UniFi UDM-PRO旁路控制器设置完全教程. 更多教程请关注本站微信公众号, 订阅 UBNT教程,更详细更全面的专业教程! 1.本站下载资料均经检测,无木马,不使用所谓先下EXE的坑人高速下载! 请从本站链接下载,它站转链均与本站无关。 2.为可持续发展,仅提供给本站用户下载,部分资料需金币下载。 管理成员和VIP免费下载。 3.显示【本地下载】的为本站自建下载服务器,有速率及连接数限制,若下载不了请 换浏览器 再试。 金币不会重复扣除。 4.欢 …
airFiber 5/5U 规划与调试指南 - 搜狐
2018年7月3日 · 无线校准显示 (RAD) 专为 airFiber AF-5/AF-5U 设计,使对准更快、更简便。 双校准信号强度指示灯可在本地和远程 airFiber 无线传输系统中实时显示实际信号强度。 无线传输系统状态指示灯的综合配置显示以下内容: GPS 同步状态. 主/从模式. RF 链接状态. 射频过载警告. 当前调制倍速. 活动链接以及有线管理和数据端口的速率. 使用场景. 任何需要通过网线/光缆/同轴传输带宽,但由于其距离、成本、地理环境等条件受限而无法走线的场景,或者做为现有有线网络 …
Software Downloads - Ubiquiti
2017年7月17日 · Browse downloads by product and explore popular and new Ubiquiti applications.
airFiber 骨幹傳輸系統/ airFiber 規劃指南/airFiber - airFiber 5/5U 規 …
無線校準顯示 (RAD) 專為 airFiber AF-5/AF-5U 設計,使對準更快、更簡便。 雙校準信號強度指示燈可在本地和遠程 airFiber 無線傳輸系統中實時顯示實際信號強度。 無線傳輸系統狀態指示燈的綜合配置顯示以下內容: 使用場景. 返回頂部. 任何需要通過網線/光纜/同軸傳輸帶寬,但由於其距離、成本、地理環境等條件受限而無法走線的場景,或者做為現有有線網絡的備份,均可使用 UBNT airFiber 方案進行傳輸。 根據距離、帶寬、冗餘等需求不同,通常可以採用以下幾中方式進行 …
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