in the country, the population of Afar is young: 12 per cent is under-five years of age and 39.5 per cent is under 18 years of age. The total fertility rate in Afar region is high; 5.5 in 2016. Approximately 95 percent of the Afar population is Muslim. Most people are pastoralist or agro-pastoralist and are very dependent on their livestock.
Selam (Australopithecus) - Wikipedia
Selam (DIK-1/1) is the fossilized skull and other skeletal remains of a three-year-old Australopithecus afarensis female hominin, whose bones were first found in Dikika, in the Afar Region of northeastern Ethiopia in 2000 and recovered over the following years. [1] .
Multidimensional child deprivation is high with 91 per cent of children deprived in three to six dimensions. Deprivation in housing (92 per cent) and sanitation (88 per cent) are the largest contributors to multidimensional poverty for children under 18 years of age in Afar region. In addition, Afar has the highest deprivation rate
About Us - pipdo.org
Path Integrated Pastoral Development Organization (PIPDO) is a local, membership-based, nongovernmental organization, and non-profit-making organization working towards contributing to the development of Afar peoples through integrated …
APDA – Afar Pastoralist Development Association
2025年1月6日 · Afar Pastoralists Development Association (APDA) works on a wide variety of projects to contribute to the development & well-being of the Afar people. Many of them focusing on vulnerable women and children, including mobile health and vaccination, water provision and harvesting, maternal and child health activities, and education for Afar children
Amid conflict in northern Ethiopia, children share their ... - UNICEF
2021年11月4日 · Between January and July 2021, UNICEF and partners reached over 64,600 children in Tigray, Afar and Amhara regions through the integrated education and child protection (Bete) programme which attempts to integrate fundamental services in health, primary education, childcare and psychosocial development.
HeRAMS Ethiopia Afar baseline report 2023 - Child health and nutrition services: A comprehensive mapping of avail ability of essential services and barriers to their provision; 2024 Third-party materials.
Home - ACISDA Official Website
ACISDA mission is improving the life condition of most marginalized and hard-to-reach Afar pastoral women and girls’ through implementing its projects focusing on gender equality, women rights, elimination of gender based violence GBV and including harmful traditional practice (HTPs), maternal neonatal health improvement, sexual reproductive ...
HeRAMS Afar Baseline Report 2023: Child health and nutrition …
2024年5月30日 · This is the third report of the HeRAMS Afar Baseline Report 2023 series focusing on the availability of child health and nutrition services. Additional reports are available covering: the operational status of the health system.
Afar Child Discipline Tract : Free Gospel Tracts : Free Download ...
2024年7月3日 · Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. PROVERBS 22:6
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