Avionics Full-Duplex Switched Ethernet - Wikipedia
Avionics Full-Duplex Switched Ethernet (AFDX), also ARINC 664, is a data network, patented by international aircraft manufacturer Airbus, [1] for safety-critical applications that utilizes dedicated bandwidth while providing deterministic quality of service (QoS). AFDX is a worldwide registered trademark by Airbus. [2]
航空电子全双工交换式以太网 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
航空电子全双工交换式以太网(英语:Avionics Full-Duplex Switched Ethernet,缩写:AFDX)是一种用于航空电子领域的数据网络协议,基于安全、可靠性、兼容性出发的数据网络,由空中巴士持有相关专利 [1] 。并广泛应用于空客制造的航空器中。
The coming revolution in commercial avionics data networking
2007年1月31日 · AFDX is expected to lead to new avionics architectures just as profound. The AFDX databus, short for Avionics Full Duplex Switched Ethernet, also is known as ARINC 664. This bus has the...
Fiber optic AFDX for flight control systems | IEEE Conference ...
Avionics Full-Duplex Switched Ethernet (AFDX), specified in ARINC 664 Aircraft Data Network, Part 7, is a fiber optic avionics bus specification used on the Airbus A380, Boeing 787, and others. It was designed as an upgrade to the standard Ethernet protocol which added guaranteed determinism with bounded jitter and latency.
Full Duplex Switched Ethernet (AFDX), and Time-Triggered Ethernet (TTE). Aerospace network designers desire to decrease the number of networks to reduce cost and effort while improving scalability, flexibility, openness, maintainability, and reliability. AFDX and TTE are being considered more for critical aerospace systems because they
Avionics Full-Duplex Switched Ethernet (AFDX), specified in ARINC 664 Aircraft Data Network, Part 7, is a fiber optic avionics bus specification used on the Airbus A380, Boeing 787, and others. It was designed as an upgrade to the standard Ethernet protocol which added guaranteed determinism with bounded jitter and latency.
Fiber optic AFDX for flight control systems - ResearchGate
2012年9月1日 · Avionics Full-Duplex Switched Ethernet (AFDX), specified in ARINC 664 Aircraft Data Network, Part 7, is a fiber optic avionics bus specification used...
什么是AFDX,AFDX的知识介绍 - 与非网
2023年8月22日 · AFDX(Avionics Full-Duplex Switched Ethernet)是一种用于航空电子系统的数据总线协议。 它基于以太网技术,提供了高可靠性、实时性和带宽保障的数据通信解决方案。 AFDX广泛应用于飞机上的航空电子设备之间的数据交换和通信中,为飞机提供了快速而可靠的 数据传输 能力。 AFDX具有以下主要功能: 高可靠性:AFDX采用冗余化设计,通过多个独立的链路、 交换机 和端口实现数据的冗余传输,确保数据的可靠性和容错性,降低系统故障对飞行安 …
航空电子网络(AFDX总线) - CSDN博客
2023年6月26日 · 文中针对航电设备与总线网络通信出现的故障,设计了某型号飞机afdx总线监控器,该设备是一个便携式工控机,通过扩展afdx总线接口卡,实时、高速、可靠的对总线上的数据进行记录、分析、显示,并依照航电总线标准icd...
AFDX协议在未来航空电子系统中的发展趋势 - CSDN博客
2025年2月19日 · 硬件加速技术:在AFDX端系统集成TSN帧抢占模块(文档5.2节FPGA驱动),将端到端时延从2ms压缩至500μs; 精准流量整形:采用基于网络演算的时延上界计算模型,确保最坏情况下时延波动<±5μs(文档4.2节公式扩展) 2. 抗干扰能力强化
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