Achieving Finance Excellence in Policing IV - CIPFA
The AFEP programme is designed to ensure that police finance delivers value for money in policing. Shifting focus from mere affordability, it aims to enhance thinking, build capacity, and strengthen resilience.
AFEP Resource Hub - CIPFA
The AFEP dashboards provide dedicated police sector stats and benchmarking analysis, driving better financial management and decision making across forces. It will help improve current comparative data and develop broader analytical and diagnostic capacity to help the forces deliver and demonstrate value for money.
AFEP Resource Hub - cms.cipfa.org
It draws on 28 different metrics related to a force’s financial position to give a comprehensive overview of financial resilience. The AFEP dashboards provide dedicated police sector stats and benchmarking analysis, driving better financial management and decision making across forces.
Achieving Finance Excellence in Policing III - cms.cipfa.org
CIPFA’s Achieving Finance Excellence in Policing (AFEP) programme harnesses the power of collaborative working across the sector to deliver a programme of resources tailored for the police, by the police.
CIPFA’s AFEP CFO Retreat 2022
CIPFA’s Achieving Financial Excellence in Policing programme supports police forces across the UK to achieve and sustain financial excellence. AFEP enables forces to build on capacity and provides support to forces at a local level.
Achieving Finance Excellence in Policing - CIPFA
What is the AFEP programme? The AFEP programme is designed to ensure that police finance delivers value for money in policing. Shifting focus from mere affordability, it aims to enhance thinking, build capacity, and strengthen resilience.
cipfa.org/afep Introduction The AFEP programme is now entering its third iteration following continued success over the past four years, working closely with programme partners NPCC, APCC and PACCTS to achieve the vision of delivering the best possible financial management for the police, by the police. Innovative and successful
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PFCC Decision Report
Over 80% of forces subscribed to AFEP I. In addition to CIPFA Police and Fire Network places, CIPFA also offered free professional qualified scholarship places, asset management health checks and free subscription to Policing Insights. The national FMCR report concluded that there was a positive direction of travel and identified strengths: -
Under the AFEP III programme, CIPFA has worked with police forces and other industry experts to deliver a sustainability programme including:
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Last week we held our two-day AFEP CFO retreat! The first day included discussions centered around sustainability and its importance within policing.