Afissa plicata - Wikispecies - Wikimedia
Afissa plicata (Weise, 1889) Original combination: Epilachna plicata Weise, 1889: 649; Type locality: Kan-ssu
(PDF) A contribution to the taxonomy and ecology of little-known ...
2020年6月1日 · We collected the little-known ladybird beetle Afissa incauta in the mountainous region of Bandung, West Java. The beetle occurred sympatrically with the very similar species …
褶纹冠蚌 - 百度百科
该蚌耐污水和低氧能力较强,喜栖于较肥的水域,生活在硬底或泥沙底的河流、湖泊、沟渠等水域中,它比三角帆蚌分布广泛,在我国几乎各地都出产。 日本、前苏联地区、越南也都有分布 …
Afissa gedeensis is highly specialized on the Urticaceae species, Elatostema acuminata and Elastostema strigosum, while Afissa incauta depends on Urticaceae species such as
Afidenta misera (Weise, 1909). (a, d) dorsal habitus b lateral habitus...
Two new species of Afidentula, Afidentula dentata sp. n. and Afidentula jinpingensis sp. n. are described from China. Afissa siamensis Dieke is moved to Afidentula comb. n.. All three …
中国食植瓢虫亚科Epilachninae分类研究 - 百度学术
食植瓢虫属Epilachna Chevrolat 42种,其中包括1个新记录种及1个新种:菱斑食植瓢虫E. insignis Gotham,横带食植瓢虫E parainsignis Pang et Mao,永善食植瓢虫E yongshanensis Cao et …
《科学》| 走进自然,俞书宏院士团队发现河蚌铰链的耐疲劳秘密
研究成果以“Deformable hard tissue with high fatigue resistance in the hinge of bivalve Cristaria plicata”为题,于6月23日发表在国际学术期刊《Science》上 有所发现、有所发明、有所创造
New additions to Indian fauna of Coccinellidae (Coleoptera)
2019年1月10日 · Afissa. craspedotricha Yu and Epilachna nielamuensis Pang & Mao are combined with Afissa Dieke (New combinations) following the latest revised generic …
Epilachnini (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)-A Revision of the
2016年9月20日 · Based on the recent revised generic classification of the tribe Epilachnini (Szawaryn et al. 2015), all 27 genera are re-described, diagnosed, illustrated, and included in …
Genus Afissa - iNaturalist
Afissa is a genus of insects with 22 observations