Mode of action: Aflux 28E is an excellent dispersant of fillers and chemicals. It increases the plasticity of the green compound and improves flow properties. Aflux 28E increases injection capacity and injection speed in the manufacture of profiles and gives a smooth surface finish to injection moldings and calendered sheets.
Aflux® 28 E (Zinc-Free) – Hong Phat Co.,ltd
Dispersing agent and lubricant for compounds based on all synthetic rubbers, particularly EVA, SBR, NBR, CR and EPDM. Copyright © 2019 Hong Phat Co.,ltd. All Rights Reserved. Developed by PSDesigner.net.
Aflux® 28 E (không có Kẽm) – Công ty TNHH hóa chất Hồng Phát
Chất phân tán và bôi trơn cho các hợp chất tạo thành từ cao su tổng hợp, cụ thể là EVA, SBR, NBR, CR và EPDM. Ứng dụng: Các loại sản phẩm cao su kỹ thuật được ép khuôn hay ép đùn, đế giày.
Aflux® Additives by Rhein Chemie Additives (Lanxess
Aflux® 42 by Rhein Chemie Additives (Lanxess Group) is a processing promoter for natural- and synthetic rubbers like NR, SBR, NBR, CR and EPDM. It also functions as an excellent dispersing agent for...
单模光纤部分参数(康宁SMF-28) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
摘要:为了使光纤或耦合仿真结果更具实际指导意义,我们光纤的仿真模型希望接近真实情况。 关于纤芯尺寸和模斑直径很容易在大部分光纤产品的data sheet中找到,但是很难查询到纤芯或包层材料折射率的值。 本笔记简要说明相关参数含义,结合文献报道给出仿真所需的参数(Corning SMF-28),尤其是纤芯材料折射率、包层材料折射率。 Data sheet部分参数列表: 光纤仿真必要参数: 纤芯直径、包层直径、纤芯材料折射率、包层材料折射率(如果要分析波长响应特 …
朗盛化学加工助剂Aflux 42M-橡胶助剂厂家货源价格-凯盛利化工
朗盛化学加工助剂Aflux 42M适用于大多数胶种的混合混炼工艺,其中Aflux 42M推荐用于极性橡胶和特种橡胶的加工过程
AFLUX® 42 W - lanxess.com
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康宁公司的单模光纤smf-28和smf-28e+的区别 - 百度知道
SMF-28e+ fiber derives from standard SMF-28 fiber with enhanced performances which exceed ITU G.652.C specifications and the improved new coating type “CPC6i”.The nominal diameter of this improved coating is 242μm vs the previous 245μm and has the same diameter tolerance (±5μm) and concentricity (<5μm) specifications as the “old ...
Fatty Acid Esters under HS Code 34 Import Shipment Data of …
12 # & aflux 42m. Artificial wax is composed mainly of fatty alcohol esters with stearic and palmitic acids. According to PTPL results No. 448 / TB-PTPL dated March 25, 2016