AFMR - American Federation for Medical Research
AFMR fosters research in the medical sciences, provides leadership in articulating and publicizing the aims and goals of scientific research, disseminates the knowledge medical research generates, and identifies and supports efforts to achieve these objectives.
AFMR - About Us - American Federation for Medical Research
The AFMR was the leading advocate for the Clinical Research Enhancement Act, legislated by Congress to create Career Development K awards, the NIH Loan Repayment Program, and other funding for clinical investigators.
AFMR - Membership
Become An AFMR Member. AFMR is unique — representing a diverse membership that bridges basic and patient-oriented research in multiple medical disciplines. Our members are scientists engaged in original clinical and laboratory medical research.
AFMR Public: American Federation for Medical Research
Established in 1940, the American Federation for Medical Research (AFMR) is an international multi-disciplinary association of scientists engaged in all areas of biomedical and patient-oriented clinical, translational and laboratory research.
AFMR - Journal
The Journal of Investigative Medicine (JIM) is the official journal of the AFMR. It is published by Sage eight times per year. JIM is peer-reviewed and publishes high-quality original articles, editorials, and reviews in the areas of basic, clinical, and translational medical research. The journal covers all topics and specialty areas critical ...
AFMR National Meeting - American Federation for Medical Research
Join the AFMR for its reinvented National Meeting, bringing together new and experienced medical researchers and clinician educators from around the country. We are excited to welcome students and faculty alike to come together for this one of a kind meeting.
AFMR - Meetings & Events
The AFMR is dedicated to supporting high quality biomedical research and emerging investigators. With this objective in mind, we offer a National Meeting, 3 annual, Regional Meetings and sponsor symposia in one National Affiliated Meeting.
AFMR - Publications
The Journal of Investigative Medicine is the official, peer-reviewed journal of the AFMR. Published eight times per year by BMJ, JIM offers original investigations and abstracts from meetings. AFMR members receive a free subscription to JIM, as …
AFMR - American Federation for Medical Research (AFMR) Insights
From the forging of a new partnership with the Eastern and Southern AFMR regions into a new South-Eastern Regional focused on strong science and member identity, to our record-smashing Western Regional Meeting, which saw the highest number of abstracts, the largest attendance, and the most financially successful program in history, to our most ...
AFMR - American Federation for Medical Research (AFMR) Insights
AFMR fosters research in the medical sciences, provides leadership in articulating and publicizing the aims and goals of scientific research, disseminates the knowledge medical research generates, and identifies and supports efforts to achieve these objectives.