Acute fibrinous and organizing pneumonia: two case reports and ...
2019年8月5日 · Acute fibrinous and organizing pneumonia (AFOP) is a very rare form of acute or subacute lung injury, which is characterized by patches of “fibrin balls” distributed within the …
Clinical and Radiological Profile of Acute Fibrinous and Organizing ...
Acute fibrinous and organizing pneumonia (AFOP) is a unique pathological entity with intra-alveolar fibrin in the form of “fibrin balls” and organizing pneumonia. It was divided into rare …
Clinical features and long-term prognosis of acute fibrinous and ...
2022年2月8日 · Acute fibrinous and organizing pneumonia (AFOP) is a rare interstitial pneumonia characterized by intra-alveolar fibrin deposition and organizing pneumonia. The clinical …
Acute fibrinous and organizing pneumonia: A case report - PMC
Acute fibrinous and organizing pneumonia (AFOP) is an uncommon type of acute lung injury associated with infection, connective tissue disorders, drug exposure, and hematologic …
Acute fibrinous and organizing pneumonia (AFOP) | Eurorad
2021年3月3日 · AFOP is a rare idiopathic interstitial pneumonia with variable prognosis. Imaging findings are nonspecific and include ground-glass opacities and foci of organising pneumonia. …
Diagnostic procedures and clinico-radiological findings of acute ...
2021年3月31日 · Subacute indolent presentation and patchy or mass-like air-space consolidation at the presentation on CT images indicated a good prognosis in patients with AFOP. • Acute …
急性纤维素性机化性肺炎五例临床和影像及病理分析 - 中华结核和 …
afop为急性或亚急性起病,不同于目前已知的任何一类间质性肺炎,主要病理表现为肺泡腔内纤维蛋白球以及机化的疏松结缔组织。 本研究中回顾性分析南京市鼓楼医院2011年3月至2012年6 …
afop 的组织病理学表现为镜下肺泡腔内可见 大量纤维素性渗出物,其典型特点主要为:1)肺 泡腔内可见明显的广泛分布的“均质嗜酸性纤维 素球”样物质;2)与op改变相似,afop 的纤维素 球 …
急性纤维素性机化性肺炎(AFOP) - 每周呼吸
AFOP的胸部CT影像学特点主要为双侧弥漫性分布且以基底部为主的磨玻璃影或融合状斑片影。 其中急性起病、进展迅速的患者胸部CT影像表现与DAD类似,以基底部为主的实变和磨玻璃阴 …
Representative CT images of acute fibrinous organizing pneumonia (AFOP …
The definitive diagnosis of AFOP relies on pathological evidence of intra-alveolar fibrin exudate, lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate, and the absence of a hyaline membrane.