Unite Africa - CK3 Wiki - Crusader Kings III Wiki
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Mother of Us All - CK3 Wiki
2024年11月8日 · This achievement requires the player to start as “Countess Daurama Daura of Kano” in the year 867, the only recommended starting character in Africa. The achievement goal is to unify the continent of Africa and convert it to a reformed African faith.
Good African nations for beginners? : r/crusaderkings3 - Reddit
2023年7月10日 · I've just recently downloaded Crusader Kings 3 from game pass. I am african myself and I want my first save to be in Africa. I have never played a CK game before. I would like to start with a nation that isn't too overpowered, but …
whats a good county/ duchy in africa to play as? : r/CrusaderKings - Reddit
2022年9月12日 · whats a good county/ duchy in africa to play as? Look up where the gold mines are. Play as that region or a more warlike culture/character in that region to get that goldmine. As mrbb3k4 said, there’s two gold mines in the ducky of manding south of the kingdom of Ghana, which has one gold mine.
Recommended Africa starts? : r/CrusaderKings - Reddit
2020年9月6日 · I've never played an African start before, but with the advent of CK3, I'd like to give it a try. Here are some of the things I'd like to do in my African game: Start as a small(ish) tribe somewhere in subsaharan Africa,
Why can't I take the Unite Africa decision?
2020年10月13日 · I'm doing a mother of us all run and I have conquered every county that is on the Africa continent, as far as I understood it. Yet I'm not able to take the unite Africa decision. Am I missing something? Does the "region Africa" includes the counties on the Arabian peninsula?
[MOD] Africa Plus - West Africa Update Released! 19/06/22
2022年6月19日 · The goal of BlackEmperor's Africa Plus (BAP) is to bring additional depth and flavor to playing in Africa in CK3. This mod was originally a project focused on improving West Africa, as such the bulk of my changes so far are for West African culture groups.
Steam Workshop::Africa Plus [NEEDS UPDATE] - Steam Community
2021年7月20日 · This mod was originally a project focused on improving just West Africa, but has since grown to encompass the whole continent (though the focus of the work remains uneven). Recent updates have focused on adding greater depth to the regions of Nubia and Ethiopia, through an overhaul of East African cultures and the addition of a unique form of ...
Any recommendations for interesting Berber/North African start?
2024年1月24日 · Try out an 867 Gaunche start in the Canaries. It's a fun tribal start that's a bit of a challenge. The culture is severely under developed and has the isolationist tradition so you really need to work at it. It's much harder to get good marriages and bring in capable courtiers. Gaunche gets West African canoes so they can raid over seas.
Crusader Kings 3 – Guide – Guide to Africa - YouTube
2020年10月26日 · In this Crusader Kings 3 guide, I discuss some the great and interesting campaign starts in Africa in CK3.My Patreon account (THANKS for the support!): https...