East African Eland & Patterson's Eland Pictures
2008年11月24日 · This beautiful blue/grey eland first described for science by Colonel J.H Patterson is mainly hunted in Tanzania. Enjoy some pictures. East African Eland bull: East African Eland joust: East African Eland marking his territory...
Judging Eland - AfricaHunting.com
2007年10月1日 · Judging Eland The Eland is the largest species of antelope in Africa and one of its' most sought after spiral horned trophies. Additionally these immense animals are often hard earned trophies for sport hunters which makes it that much more close to the heart of many who have hunted them. For...
Differences Between Cape & Livingstone Eland - AfricaHunting.com
2009年7月25日 · There are two distinct species of eland: (1) the Lord Derby's Eland (Tragelaphus derbianus) and (2) the Common Eland (Tragelaphus oryx). Lord Derby's is restricted to the west African and north central African regions: CAR, Cameroon, just into Chad and Sudan, and also Guinea, Senegal and the junction of neighbouring countries.
Central African Giant Eland - Cameroon versus C.A.R.
2009年8月21日 · East African Giant Eland in C.A.R., also known as Lord Derby Eland. Picture by Christophe Morio Editor’s Remarks: (Source IUCN Red List 2008) Giant Eland inhabit woodlands and forested Sudanian to Guinean savannas, never far from hilly/rocky landscapes nor from water (Planton and Michaux in press). Kingdon (1997) considered that it is quite ...
African Game Meat - the good the bad and the ugly!
2015年3月7日 · Eland is good to great depending on cut of the meat. Impala steak and liver were great wildebeest was good and it depends on your cook. Bushpig was good Warthog was real good Blesbuck is good Cape buffalo is good - dried cape buffalo with maze with the men was good also. Kudu was good I am sure that i am missing a few...
Of all the African game meat, which is your favourite? How would …
2023年7月15日 · Most African wild game are good to eat, as long as it is cooked properly. Some of the best are eland (as long as bulls are not in the rut). Also desert type game like gemsbok and hartebeest are excellent. Sable meat is good also. Of the smaller animals, most are good to eat, particularly reedbuck. Nyala are also good.
Map of Eland species - AfricaHunting.com
2010年2月13日 · There are two distinct species of eland: (1) the Lord Derby's Eland (Tragelaphus derbianus) and (2) the Common Eland (Tragelaphus oryx). Lord Derby's is restricted to the west African and north central African regions: CAR, Cameroon, just into Chad and Sudan, and also Guinea, Senegal and the junction of neighbouring countries.
Hunting Lord Derby Eland - AfricaHunting.com
2008年11月24日 · Every trophy room should reserve a special place for the Lord Derby eland. Weighing in at 2,000 pounds, standing 69 inches at the shoulder, carrying a distinguished thick black dewlap and "mane" and crowned by a majestic set of crew-like spiraling horns that can measure up to 56-inches SCI (48 inches straight up, Rowland Ward), it is the regal giant …
Let's see your eland mounts - AfricaHunting.com
2015年2月12日 · That Eland pedestal mount is a keeper (one of the better I have seen) - very nice form, really well done and a very natural position that really compliments and displays the beauty of these big animals - they are so awesome that you don't need any unnatural poses or gimicks to make them look good...
East African Eland. Number 3 SCI - AfricaHunting.com
2013年11月19日 · Beautiful EA Eland shot last October in the Selous game reserve, Tanzania. Total score is 108 1/4 World's most popular community & resource for hunting in Africa since 2007