Agafya (short story) - Wikipedia
Agafya, a young railway signalman's wife, is the latest convert to the local sex cult, risking her husband's potentially murderous wrath for several minutes of bliss with a man whom she is …
Agafya - Genshin Impact Wiki
Agafya (Russian: Агафья Agaf'ya) is an event-exclusive NPC that appeared in the Event Summertime Odyssey. Agafya is a Mirror Maiden who traveled to the Golden Apple …
Agafya - Short Stories and Classic Literature
Agafya, intoxicated by the vodka, by Savka's scornful caresses, and by the stifling warmth of the night, was lying on the earth beside him, pressing her face convulsively to his knees. She was …
Chekhov Stories "Agafya" Summary & Analysis - SparkNotes
A summary of "Agafya" in Anton Chekhov's Chekhov Stories. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of Chekhov Stories and what it means. Perfect for acing essays, …
藏镜仕女 - 百度百科
Agafya Study Guide: Analysis - GradeSaver
Agafya study guide contains a biography of Anton Chekhov, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Agafya essays are academic essays for citation. …
Agafya Summary - GradeSaver
The Agafya Community Note includes chapter-by-chapter summary and analysis, character list, theme list, historical context, author biography and quizzes written by community members like …
[PDF] Agafya | 9781787361287 - Perlego
Agafya, a young railway signalman's wife, is the latest convert to the local sex cult, risking her husband's potentially murderous wrath for several minutes of bliss with a man whom she is …
Agafya Characters - GradeSaver
Agafya is a young peasant girl, married to a signal man called Yakov. One evening, she comes to visit Savka when he is in the company of the narrator. The narrator inquires whether she is not …
Agafya Themes - GradeSaver
Agafya study guide contains a biography of Anton Chekhov, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.