Agrarian origins of authoritarian populism in the United States: …
2021年2月1日 · Current right-wing successes have origins in authoritarian populisms of the rural US. Conservative culture helped crystallize authoritarian populist hegemony. Liberal policy changes often fueled the rise of conservative populisms. Emancipatory struggles among non-elites requires working across social differences.
Agrarian protest in the 19th century - Miller Center
During the tumultuous post-Civil War era a massive populist protest engulfed the country. In what was clearly the largest and most widespread populist movement to date, thousands of farmers across the Midwest and South launched a decades long attack on the political establishment and the two-party system that nourished it.
Agrarian Populism - ECPS
Agrarian populism refers to populist movements led by farmers and their allies, often labor unions, such as the Narodniks in Russia during the second half of the 19th century and the Populist Party of 1890s America which focused on issues of land, railroads, and money, including the unlimited coinage of silver.
Populism in the United States - Wikipedia
The Populist Party's roots lay in the Farmers' Alliance, an agrarian movement that promoted economic action during the Gilded Age, as well as the Greenback Party, an earlier third party that had advocated fiat money.
The Populist Moment: A Short History of the Agrarian Revolt in America …
1978年11月30日 · This condensed version of Lawrence Goodwyn's Democratic Promise, the highly-acclaimed study on American Populism which the Civil Liberties Review called "a brilliant, comprehensive study," offers new political language designed to provide a fresh means of assessing both democracy and authoritarianism today.
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Agrarian origins of authoritarian populism in the United States: What can we learn from 20th-century struggles in California and the Midwest? Montenegro de Wit Maywa a,1,∗ , Antonio Roman-Alcalá b,1 , Alex Liebman c , Siena Chrisman d
The Populist moment : a short history of the agrarian revolt in America ...
2020年3月2日 · The origins and events of the agrarian revolt and the Populist movement are analyzed from an historical perspective as well as in light of the American concepts of freedom, democracy, and authoritarianism
Agrarian social movements: The absurdly difficult but not …
2019年4月21日 · Parallels, resemblances, and interconnections between contemporary right-wing populism and the populism of agrarian movements are examined in this essay. The two are partly linked through their social base in the countryside.
Agrarian origins of authoritarian populism in the United …
2019年12月1日 · We interrogate the politics of rural places in generating both support for and struggle against authoritarian populism. We ask: Why do the politics of the rural US seem so regressive today? What...
The agrarian origins of authoritarian rural populism in the United ...
2018年2月1日 · From 'Associated Farmers' front groups of the 1930s through Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, we follow the roots of authoritarian rural populism now re-emergent with Trump. The Midwest, in turn, sheds...