R417A Refrigerant - A-Gas
R417A refrigerant is a medium temperature retrofit refrigerant for R22 in commercial refrigeration & stationary AC systems. Buy refrigerant R417A from A-Gas.
R407C HFC 106.7-51.7 586.71 189.08 32.32 Temp °F Liquid psig Vapor psig-40 0.5 -4.2-35 2.4 -0.8 0-30 4.5 1.5 2346-25 6.9 3.6 A1-20 9.4 5.9-15 12.2 8.4-10 15.2 11.2-5 18.5 14.3 0 22 17.6 5 25.9 21.2 10 30 25.1 15 34.5 29.3 20 39.3 33.9 25 44.5 38.9 30 50.8 44.2 35 56 49.9 40 62.4 56.1 45 69.2 62.7 50 76.4 69.8 55 87.2 77.3 60 95.7 85.4 65 105 93.9 70 114 103 75 124 113 80 134 123 85 146 134 90 ...
R417A | Product Information - A-Gas
R417A (Freon™/Isceon MO59) is a HFC blend retrofit refrigerant for R22 in commercial air conditioning systems and medium temperature commercial refrigeration.
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R-417A - Climalife
Description of first aid measures. First-aid measures after ingestion : Move the affected person away from the contaminated area and into the fresh air.
INHALATION : R-417A is low in acute toxicity in animals. When oxygen levels in air are reduced to 12-14% by displacement, symptoms of asphyxiation, loss of coordination, increased pulse rate and deeper respiration will occur. At high levels, cardiac arrhythmia may occur.
R417A - 偕統科技有限公司
R-417A(FreonTM MO 59)是HFC非共沸混合物。 該冷媒旨在直接替代R-22(HCFC),用於空調、熱泵應用。 Freon TM MO 59也適合直接替換現有直膨系統中使用的R-22。
Freon™ MO59 (R-417A) Refrigerant Version 7.0 Revision Date: 11.10.2020 SDS Number: 1324819-00037 Date of last issue: 26.02.2020 Date of first issue: 27.02.2017 5 / 21 Local/Total ventilation : Use only with adequate ventilation. Advice on safe handling : Avoid breathing gas. Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety
R417A 冷媒,製冷劑,冷氣,冰箱,417冷媒,冷媒原裝桶,灌冷媒,汽車冷 …
R-417A是HFC非共沸混合物。 可直接替代R-22(HCFC),用於空調、熱泵應用。 松冠冷氣冷凍材料批發零售,如有相關材料問題,歡迎來電詢問! **因和不定期會與不同廠商合作,出貨時冷媒桶"外箱"可能和圖示不一樣,懇請見諒。 Copyright © 松冠冷氣冷凍材料有限公司 All Rights Reserved. 網頁設計 : 多米諾.
R-417A – Hudson Technologies
Pressure Temperature Chart: R-417A. Best Use: A blend used for residential and commercial AC systems and medium-temperature refrigeration units, like food service, storage and processing, and supermarket cases. High GWP refrigerant currently being phased down for virgin U.S. production and consumption by the AIM Act, passed in 2020.
R-417A 8kg Refrigerant Gas Refillable Cylinder - Cooling Solutions
R417A is a HFC blend retrofit refrigerant for R22 in commercial air conditioning systems and medium temperature commercial refrigeration. Product Features.
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