Japanese sword combat stances - AKBAN
The development of these stances is deeply rooted in Japan's martial history. However, similar principles can be found in other sword-fighting traditions around the world. The renowned orientalist Sir Richard Francis Burton, in his seminal work "The Book of the Sword" (1884), drew fascinating parallels between Japanese … 展开
- 1. Central Stance: Chūdan-no-kamae The Chūdan-no-kamae is often the first stance taught to newcomers. It's a balanced po…
- 2. Elevated Stance: Jōdan-no-kamae Also known simply as Jōdan, this is the elevated stance where the … 展开
In Japanese martial tradition, the sword is more than a weapon - it's a symbol of the warrior's spirit. The study of sword stances in AKBAN goes beyond … 展开
Japanese Sword Stances: 10 Basic Kamae for Beginner Samurais
- Waki-Gamae. In the Waki-Gamae stance, the left shoulder is left unprotected and revealed …
- Jōdan-no-Kamae. In the Jodan-no-Kamae stance, the left-hand should be above the left eye …
- Hasso-no-Kamae. The Tsuba (handguard) is at the height of one’s mouth. The left shoulder …
- Gedan-no-Kamae. With the right hand under the sword guard, the left hand is placed behind …
- Chudan-no-Kamae. Chudan no Kamae is the central sword stance that allows the …
Jōdan-no-kamae - Wikipedia
Jōdan-no-kamae is one of the five stances in kendo: jōdan, chūdan, gedan, hassō and waki. In jōdan-no-kamae, the sword is raised above the head with the tip (kissaki; 切先) pointing back and the blade facing up, in readiness to strike. It is the most aggressive stance of the five.
There are commonly two types of jōdan-no-kamae, left (hidari; 左) and right (migi; 右), referring to which foot is out in front. As a more rare case, only one hand is used to hold the sword. Even ra…Wikipedia · CC-BY-SA 许可下的文字- 预计阅读时间:3 分钟
The 12 guards - Swordschool
- Tutta porta di ferro (Whole iron door) Fiore says: Here begin the guards of the sword in two …
- Posta di donna (woman's guard) Fiore says: This is the woman's guard, that can make all …
- Posta di fenestra (window guard) Fiore says: This is the window guard, that is always quick …
- Posta di donna la sinestra (woman's guard on the left) Fiore says: This is the woman's …
- Posta longa (Long guard) Fiore says: This is long guard, and it is full of deceit. She goes …
A Brief Look at Stances & Guards of Medieval Longsword
Stances or guards (leger/huten or guardia/posta) are in many ways the very foundation of Medieval swordsmanship. The offensive and defensive postures and ready positions from which to deliver all manner of blows lie at the heart …
The Eight Traditional Styles Of Japanese Sword …
2021年9月12日 · Jigen-ryu is the most aggressive form of samurai swordsmanship and is based around killing the opponent in a single strike whilst screaming a kiai. An all or nothing style, Jigen-ryu teaches that you should not …
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Toyama Ryu Batto Do Kihon (Fundamentals) - Kamae (guard stances)
Jōdan no Kamae is a upper guard posture with point of sword pointed up and back. The hands are over the head with the Kashira in the edge of the peripheral vision. This is a very …
Two-Handed Sword Stances: Beginner’s Guide
2022年10月2日 · This guide will teach you the most common and basic two-handed sword stances used all over the world. You will see both a picture of how to do them and written instructions. Find out the correct postures and tips on …
Exploring the 5 Guard Postures of Kenjutsu
2017年6月30日 · Waki-gamae was a popular stance before there were restrictions regarding blade length. As such, practitioners would use this stance to hide the length of their sword, essentially luring their opponent into striking …
Chinese Sword Stances and Movements - Battle Blades
2025年1月2日 · Mao YuanYi’s two-handed Chinese sword stances represent a unique and aggressive approach to martial arts, emphasizing powerful strikes and effective defensive …
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