It shifted the focus from big initiatives to small teams, from big promises to incremental deliveries, and from handoffs between specialists to collaboration and self-sufficiency. But it dismissed the importance of leadership, structure, forethought, and individual differences.
Agile 2: The Next Iteration of Agile | Agile Alliance
With a new set of Agile principles to take Agile forward over the next 20 years, Agile 2 is applicable beyond software and hardware to all parts of an Agile organization including “Agile HR”, “Agile Finance”, and so on. Like the original “Agile”, “Agile …
Agile 2 In a Nutshell
Agile 2 is defined by its Principles. However, many of its principles could be summarized by the following. In general: The only general principle is, “It depends”. Don’t be extreme, unless the situation is extreme. Always think holistically – in terms of the whole system. On Leadership:
Agile2 有哪些内容? - 知乎
Agile2 同样是一个广泛而多元的敏捷生态圈。 关于它的实质、具体内容,我建议如下几点: 1)首先应积极总结,纳入多年来咱中国本土诞生(自主原创)、发展较为成熟的一些优秀(有别于西式的)敏捷实践和经验做法。 2)补充、完善敏捷开发的价值观与原则
Agile 2: The Next Iteration of Agile - amazon.com
2021年3月9日 · Agile 2 Is an Improved Agile. The Agile movement took us away from big plans, micromanagement, and projects-by-numbers. It shifted the focus to small teams, to incremental deliveries, and to collaboration and self-sufficiency. But it dismissed the importance of leadership, structure, forethought, and individual differences.
Agile 2.0 与 Agile 1.x 有什么区别? - 知乎
极右(如 CMMI/TSP)、极左(如 XP、Scrum)都试过了,下一个 15 年中国人的 Agile 2.0 应该尝试下中间路线了吧。 中式太极敏捷的平衡编程(BP,Balanced Programming)是一个可参考的选项。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。 知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科 …
Agile2 - 知乎
Agile2 同样是一个广泛而多元的敏捷生态圈。 关于它的实质、具体内容,我建议如下几点: 1)首先应积极总结,纳入多年来咱中国本土诞生(自主原创)、发展较为成熟的一些优秀(有别于西式的)敏捷实践和经验做法。
Agile 2.0 与Agile 1.x 有什么区别 • Worktile社区
2023年2月25日 · Agile 2.0 与Agile 1.x 有以下区别:1.理念与价值观不同;2.侧重点不同;3.协作和治理级别不同。 理念与价值观不同在于,Agile 1.x 的核心价值观包括个体和互动、工作的可交付成果、客户合作和响应变化,而Agile2.0强调的价值观则是人类价值、客户价值、组织价值和社会价值。 Agile 1.x 的核心价值观包括个体和互动、工作的可交付成果、客户合作和响应变化。 而Agile2.0强调的价值观则是人类价值、客户价值、组织价值和社会价值。 从本质而言,Agile …
Methodology We Used - Agile 2
Our process was to first discuss the state of Agile. This resulted in a set of “key ideas,” which are labeled as retrospective “problems” or “insights” depending on the nature of the insight. These key ideas led to discussions on these problems, and we identified additional insights. The problems and insights led to a set of principles.
Agile vs. Agile 2: What's the difference? - TechRadar
2020年11月16日 · Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done. The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from...