Grok - xAI
Through comprehensive document analysis, our platform identified key trends across 1,245 financial reports submitted in Q3 2024. The data revealed a 17% increase in operational costs year-over-year, primarily driven by supply chain disruptions and labor shortages.
Micro Aglo Cork 44x24 - Reliable Cork Solutions
Micro Aglo cork are considered in these days the best quality product from the range of the composite corks. They produced from small granules from 0,5 to 1mm caliber. Our company is proud for the commitment and care that is added on each produced cork, from the cork forest to the bottling moment.
Agglomerated or natural corks? - CorkLink - cork products …
2014年3月8日 · So should you choose agglomerated or natural corks for your stoppers? Assuming that you are not going to use a synthetic option (screw tops or worse still a plastic cork imitation), what are the different characteristics of agglomerated and natural corks?
Are you in need of excellent plastic water bottle caps? Look no further! Aglo Polymers Pvt. Ltd., a plastic water bottle cap manufacturer, is your dependable associate in turning in long-lasting, modern bottle caps that meet your unique needs.
马斯克的 ChatGPT「Grok」,用起来到底怎么样? - 知乎专栏
2023年11月20日 · 原创 美漪 极客公园 . 马斯克,给自己玩了无数个「分身」。 作者 | 美漪 编辑 | 靖宇. 上周,Sam Altman 在 OpenAI 首届开发者大会放了「大招」,而马斯克,OpenAI 曾经的联合创始人,更是连夜发布了他新创办的 AI 公司 xAI 的首款产品 Grok ——一款对标 ChatGPT 的聊天机器人。 。随着 Grok 内测版的发布,马 ...
马斯克开源Grok-1:3140亿参数迄今最大,权重架构全开放,磁力 …
机器之心报道。. 说到做到,马斯克承诺的开源版大模型 Grok 终于来了! 今天凌晨,马斯克旗下大模型公司 xAI 宣布正式开源 3140 亿参数的混合专家(MoE)模型「 Grok-1 」,以及该模型的权重和网络架构。. 这也使得Grok-1成为当前参数量最大的开源大语言模型。
Manufacturing – aglogroup
AGLO uses the world’s best compression moulding technology made by SACMI(Italy) for water & Beverages Caps.With Fully air-condition facility .
Grok-1 - 马斯克旗下xAI开源的大模型,参数量3140亿 | AI工具集
Grok-1 是由马斯克旗下的人工智能初创公司 xAI 开发的一款大型语言模型,是一个混合专家(MoE)模型,拥有 3140 亿参数,使其成为目前参数量最大的开源大语言模型。Grok-1 的开发和训练过程遵循了开源的原则,其权重和网络架构已经公开,基于Apache 2.0许可,允许用户自由地使用、修改和分发,用于 ...
马斯克 X.AI 正式发布 Crok,将在未来 1 月内向全球开放-CSDN博客
4 天之前 · Grōk AI 使用了一个 886.03 GB 的巨大数据集“The Pile”,并在 X 平台上的 Exabytes 数据进行了微调,拥有了广泛而丰富的知识基础。不过话说回来,谷歌也有用世界上最大的视频网站油管,但是 Bard 和 Gemini 的表现,唉,不说也罢!_crok
Aglo is an agricultural solutions provider specializing in transforming unproductive, degraded land into sustainable, profitable farming systems through regenerative farming practices. By combining science, technology, and sustainability, we help corporations and landowners unlock the hidden value of their land, making a positive environmental ...