Land reform in Mexico - Wikipedia
A key influence on agrarian land reform in revolutionary Mexico was of Andrés Molina Enríquez, who is considered the intellectual father of Article 27 of the 1917 Constitution. His 1909 book, …
The Division of Land: Agrarian Reform During the Mexican …
The persistent struggle for land gave rise to new agrarian movements within Mexico, reflecting the ongoing tensions between rural communities and those in power. By the late 1920s and into …
Agrarian Movement (Mexico) - GAMEO
2025年1月24日 · A part of the series of revolutions taking place in Mexico during the first half of the 20th century involved the rise of the peasant class. The movement affecting the rural …
The Agrarian Reforms of Lázaro Cárdenas and Their Long-Term …
The agrarian reforms initiated by Lázaro Cárdenas in Mexico stand as a significant chapter in the history of land redistribution in Latin America. These reforms were not only a response to the …
The Mexican Revolution and Land Redistribution
The Mexican Revolution, which lasted from 1910 to 1920, was a monumental event that transformed the social, political, and economic landscape of Mexico. At its heart lay conflicts …
Land Reform in Mexico: 1910-1980 - Duke University Press
1987年2月1日 · Susan Sanderson’s study of agrarian policy in Mexico since 1910 is an important contribution to the growing literature on land reform during and after the decade of the …
MEXICO. Agrarian Reform: 77 years of intervention of the State in land ...
2009年7月16日 · 77 years of agrarian reform in Mexico: surface areas distributed and beneficiaries/term of office. The agrarian reform: pillar of economic development. 1934-1940. …
Land reform | Definition, History, Programs, Types, Examples,
Some have seen in land reform the reason for Mexico’s political stability, although there have been sporadic peasant uprisings and other violent encounters. Recent decades have …
Agrarian reform in Mexico turns thirty: dispossession, divided ...
2024年4月17日 · The 1992 reform, sometimes compared to the 18th century English Enclosure Movement, was monumental in scope, affecting over three million agricultural workers and …
Mexican Agrarian Movements And The Infrastructure Of Peasant Farming
Using the distinct demands within these two junctures in Mexican history, I seek to understand agrarian movements as a struggle over the “infrastructures of peasant farming”: in other …