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N-Terminal ArgD Peptides from the Classical - Cell Press
2014年11月20日 · AgrD is the precursor for the autoinducing peptide in a quorum-sensing system regulating virulence of Staphylococcus aureus. Gonzalez et al. use molecular networking to identify formylated and nonformylated peptide variants derived from the AgrD leader domain and reveal unexpected cytotoxic and proinflammatory activities.
N-Terminal ArgD Peptides from the Classical Staphylococcus …
2014年11月11日 · AgrD, the AIP precursor substrate, is cleaved and cyclized through thiolactone formation by cell membrane-bound AgrB. AgrA and AgrC combine to form a kinase-dependent two-component regulatory system.
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CDD Conserved Protein Domain Family: AgrD - National Center …
This family consists of several AgrD proteins from many Staphylococcus species. The agr locus was initially described in Staphylococcus aureus as an element controlling the production of exoproteins implicated in virulence.
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SMART: AgrD domain annotation
Members of this family of short peptides are precursors to thiolactone (unless Cys is replaced by Ser) cyclic autoinducer peptides, used in quorum-sensing systems in Gram-positive bacteria. The best characterised is the AgrD precursor, processed by the AgrB protein.
AgrD, the AIP precursor sub-strate, is cleaved and cyclized through thiolactone formation by cell membrane-bound AgrB. AgrA and AgrC combine to form a kinase-dependent two-component regulatory system.