  1. Copilot 答案
    Description and diet

    A. africanum measured around 2 metres (7 ft) in body length and weighed up to 750 kilograms (1,650 lb), making it larger than most living bears; however, mass estimates vary, with further studies presenting a lower mass estimate o… 展开

    Fossil distribution

    Sites and age of specimens:
    • Venta del Moro, Spain ~9–5.3 Ma.
    • Lang. E Quarry, South Africa ~5.3–3.6 Ma.
    • Vialette, Haute Loire, France ~3.2–2.5 Ma.… 展开


    • Dalquest, W. W. (1986). "Lower Jaw and Dentition of the Hemphillian Bear, Agriotherium (Ursidae), with the Description of a New Species". Journal of Mammalogy. 67 (4): 623–631. doi:10.2307/1381124. JSTOR展开

    External links