Agronomic biofortification of food crops: An emerging ...
2022年11月17日 · Agronomic Biofortification generally relies on methods of fertilizer application, mineral element solubilization, and mobilization from source to sink (consumable parts of a plant). Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) being …
Agronomic Biofortification of Food Crops: A Sustainable Way ...
2022年5月19日 · Agronomic biofortification is the process of increasing the density of nutrients, vitamins and minerals in a crop by means of adopting proper agronomic practices and can be considered as an effective strategy for supplementation of micronutrients powders and enhancing dietary diversity.
Biofortified Crops Generated by Breeding, Agronomy, and ...
Biofortification of essential micronutrients into crop plants can be achieved through three main approaches, namely transgenic, conventional, and agronomic, involving the use of biotechnology, crop breeding, and fertilization strategies, respectively.
Improving nutrition through biofortification–A systematic ...
Agronomic biofortification, plant breeding and genetic engineering, including omics technology, are suitable strategies that could be used for plant-based biofortification to help reduce the occurrence of malnutrition and hidden hunger.
Biofortification: an approach to eradicate micronutrient ...
Agronomic biofortification refers to the process of enriching the nutritional value of crops through fertilization and soil management. It offers an efficient and timely solution that is the quickest and most affordable way to produce nutrient-dense food, albeit it only offers a short-term fix.
Agronomic biofortification of cereals and legumes with iron ...
2024年12月1日 · The review clearly indicated that agronomic biofortification offers many options for cereals (maize and rice) and legumes (common bean, chickpea, lentil, mung bean, cowpea, etc.) based on chemical fertilizers (ZnSO 4, FeSO 4, Fe-chelates, MgSO 4, MgCl 2, urea, NPK) and traditional nutrient sources (bioinoculants, farm yard manure, compost, cerea...
Agronomic Biofortification with Se, Zn, and Fe: An Effective ...
2021年12月3日 · Agronomic biofortification of crops is a very promising way to improve the concentration of micronutrients in edible parts of crops without compromising yield and is recognized as the cheapest strategy to alleviate hidden hunger worldwide.