Advanced Gun System - Wikipedia
The Advanced Gun System (AGS) is a naval artillery system developed and produced by BAE Systems Armaments & Services for the Zumwalt-class destroyer of the United States Navy. Designated the 155 mm/62 (6.1-inch) Mark 51 Advanced Gun System (AGS), [1] it was designed to provide long-range naval gunfire support against shore
先进舰炮系统 - 百度百科
先进舰炮系统(英语:Advanced Gun System,AGS)是由 英国BAE系统公司 主导研发的海军舰载155毫米垂直舰炮系统。 本系统将运用在 美国海军 最新锐的 朱姆沃尔特级驱逐舰 上,最远射程可达185公里,且采用模块化供弹系统与自动化弹库,相较于美国海军现役的MK-45 Mod4舰炮,AGS的装药量是其3倍,持续发射能力为2.5倍,齐射压制能力为4.5倍。 [1] 自从进入航空与导弹时代之后,海军朝陆地投送武力的主要工作落在可以长距离精准打击敌方目标的飞机以及导弹 …
US Navy Discloses 155mm Advanced Gun System’s Preliminary Fate
2023年5月30日 · The U.S. Navy’s Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) has disclosed to Naval News the initial fate of the Zumwalt-class stealth destroyers’ Mark 51 155mm/62 (6.1”) Advanced Gun Systems (AGS) that will be removed for the installation of 12 Conventional Prompt Strike (CPS) hypersonic missile launch tubes.
Advanced Gun System (AGS) | BAE Systems
BAE Systems is setting the pace in naval armament development with the 155-mm Advanced Gun System (AGS) for the U.S. Navy's new DDG 1000 destroyer. The AGS will provide flexible, sustainable and affordable firepower against a wide range of littoral and inland targets, as well as highly-advanced gunfire capabilities for anti-surface warfare.
155 mm/62 (6.1") Mark 51 Advanced Gun System (AGS)
The Advanced Gun System (AGS) was originally being developed as part of the DD-21 program, but is now intended for the DDG-1000 program. This weapon was formerly known as the Vertical Gun for Advanced Ships (VGAS), but as of September 1999 the Navy decided to abandon the truly vertical mounting design and instead utilize a more conventional ...
Zumwalt Destroyers’ 155mm AGSs’ Removal Fates Undetermined
2022年4月25日 · The U.S. Navy has confirmed that the three stealthy DDG 1000 Zumwalt destroyers’ inactive and never-fired 155mm Advanced Gun Systems (AGS) will be removed for the installation of the Conventional Prompt Strike (CPS) hypersonic missile vertical launch tubes in …
Advanced Gun System Is 'On the Way' - U.S. Naval Institute
The AGS is a revolutionary design on a revolutionary platform that will have many advantages over current naval gun systems: Accurate attainment of ranges out to 100 nm (vast improvement over other guns) will enable dispersed DD(X)s to mass fires on critical targets.
Advanced Gun System (AGS) - GlobalSecurity.org
1995年5月19日 · The Advanced Gun System (AGS) AGS is a 155mm Gun Weapon System planned for installation in the DD-21 Land-Attack Destroyers to provide high-volume, sustainable fires in...
Identify currently available technologies that offer the potential to extend the life and performance of large caliber gun barrels. Screen these technologies through firing tests in a “scaled down” large caliber gun environment.
AGS-17烈火自動榴彈發射器 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
AGS-17是一挻沉重的班用 步兵支援武器,設計上是架設在 三腳架 以上,以及輕型或重型 裝甲戰鬥車輛 、輕型 巡邏艇 等 载具 以上。 AGS-17可以直接或間接火力模式發射穩定率很高的30毫米榴彈,可以對中、近距離以內任何脆弱的表面目標或防禦工事目標的高壓制和致命打擊的火力支援。 AGS-17使用 後座作用 原理的槍機結構,以保持操作。 在發射每發榴彈時,都會從 膛線 槍管 中射出,並且會迅速運動以減少槍管的高壓火藥燃氣的壓力。 AGS-17的榴彈都裝在一具金屬製的 …
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