Audit Guidelines - AGSA
This is a secure page for our CWC stakeholders to access all Audit methodology and related guidance. Other stakeholders do not require access to this section since they do not conduct …
The guides cover the main preventative controls that should be in place and include key questions that oversight structures and executive authorities can ask to obtain assurance on whether the …
Auditor-General South Africa | AGSA
through auditing, thereby building public confidence. The Auditor-General of South Africa is a chapter 9 institution and has been established in terms of the Constitution of the Republic of …
This Revised Guide has been approved by the IRBA for joint publication with the AGSA, to help improve the understanding and enhance the performance of quality public sector audit …
the AGSA (Revised May 2021) (this proposed Revised Guide) provides guidance for audit firms that perform audits on behalf of the AGSA. This includes the audit of financial
South Africa (AGSA) strives to provide you with tools and insight that will empower you to achieve your mandates. One such a tool is the Preventative control guide, which is part of a series of …
MFMA 2022-2023 - AGSA
PRETORIA – Auditor-General (AG) Tsakani Maluleke on Tuesday, 27 August, called on all roleplayers in the accountability ecosystem to “work deliberately and with urgency” towards a …
Guidance is provided to registered auditors who perform public sector audit engagements on behalf of the AGSA, including the audit of financial statements, predetermined objectives and …
Summary - SAICA
Circular 1 2020 Guidelines on CWC Fees charged by private audit firms on audits performed on behalf of the AGSA (pdf)
The guides cover the main preventative controls that should be in place and include key questions that oversight structures and executive authorities can ask to obtain assurance on whether the …