U.S. Army Uniforms
The AGSU sets a more appropriate standard for professionalism in an office setting than the Army Service Uniform or the Army Combat Uniform.
This guide contains illustrations and instructions for the placement of insignia and useful tips on how to wear the Army Green Service Uniform (AGSU).
Personnel may wear the coat with the AGSU Class A and AGSU dress variation. The all-weather coat is authorized for wear with utility uniforms only in a garrison environment when personnel have not been issued organizational rain gear.
AGSU - Marlow White
While the designs will not be finalized until after the wear test, the current working design combine many aspects of the iconic World War II uniforms while also introduction new modern features: Male Coat: Dark greenish brown, four-button design with a belt and a bi-swing back. Officers have ½-inch brown braid.
Updates – Uniform Guide
Following are instructions for wearing the new Army AGSU uniform. In keeping with our policy of being the first to provide our fighting men/women with the most current uniform wearing instructions available, we use this website first; followed by inclusion in our next printed edition of the Army Uniform Guide, along with 70-80 pages of helpful ...
U.S. Army STAND-TO! | Army Green Service Uniform
2018年11月11日 · The Army Green Service Uniform (AGSU) is the U.S. Army’s new service uniform. The AGSU is inspired and based off the iconic service uniform worn by America’s “Greatest...
跟着美国陆军官方文件 《陆军绿色勤务制服采用与换装方略》看AGSU新动向…
2020年7月30日 · 2020年6月1日,美国陆军部向军内下发了一份正式指导文件,标题为 《Army Green Service Uniform (AGSU) Implementation and Transition Strategy》,也就是《陆军绿色勤务制服采用与换装方略》。 当初沸沸扬扬的话题军服,如今也终于是越来越清晰地落地了。 刚拿到的时候粗略浏览了一遍,感觉有很多有意思的点。 有了这个文件,很多疑问和好奇都能在这里找到官方答案,还能看到一些后续的动作。 这几天忙里偷闲,静下心把这个文件又仔细完整看 …
Army Green Service Uniform Wear Policy - March 2021
A guide to the wear of the Army Green Service Uniform (AGSU) for male and female soldiers, officers, and enlisted personnel. Updated March 2021.
The Men’s Army Green Service Uniform (AGSU) is composed of a Heritage Green 564 Belted Coat with Bi-Swing; Heritage Taupe 565 Trousers; Heritage Tan 566 Long and Short Sleeve Shirt; Heritage Green 564 Necktie and Garrison Cap; and Heritage Walnut 567 Belt with Antique Buckle, Socks and Leather Shoes.
How to Properly Wear and Maintain the AGSU Army Uniform
2025年1月31日 · Learn how to wear and maintain the AGSU Army uniform with proper fit, accessories, care, and regulations to uphold military professionalism.