AH-94 - VTOL VR Wiki
The AH-94 (Dragonfly) is a dedicated attack helicopter designed chiefly for air-to-air combat. It was released on January 6, 2022, as VTOL VR's first DLC. The AH-94 is known for its high maneuverability and responsiveness, allowing it to fill many combat air …
Buy VTOL VR: AH-94 Attack Helicopter - Steam
The AH-94 is a two-seater attack helicopter for VTOL VR. Fly in singleplayer or with a copilot in online multiplayer. Learn the various weapons, sensors, and controls, practice the art of hovering, and start slinging rounds at targets of opportunity.
AH-94/Hardpoints - VTOL VR Wiki
This page goes over all of the AH-94's weapons and equipment and shows the equipment capabilities of each pylon. Each pylon below is ordered as seen in the Equipment display. GAU-94 (x1200 Rounds...
AH-94 Flight School: The Basics (VTOL VR) - YouTube
This is part one of a series of videos meant to teach you how to fly the AH-94 both defensively and offensively, as well as use the equipment included. It is a tricky subject to say the least,...
AH-94 - VTOL VR by Boundless Dynamics
The AH-94 is a twin-turboshaft attack helicopter with a tandem cockpit for two pilots. It features nose-mounted optical sensors and can mount a 20mm rotary cannon or 30mm chain gun. It is capable of carrying various air-to-ground missiles, rockets, and other equipment on 4 wing pylons, as well as two small air-to-air missiles on each wing tip.
VTOL VR - AH-94 Attack Helicopter DLC Trailer - YouTube
2021年12月22日 · NOW AVAILABLE!https://store.steampowered.com/app/1770480/VTOL_VR_AH94_Attack_Helicopter/The AH-94 is a two-seater attack helicopter DLC for VTOL VR. Fly in ...
Steam DLC Page: VTOL VR
2022年1月6日 · The AH-94 is a two-seater attack helicopter for VTOL VR. Fly in singleplayer or with a copilot in online multiplayer. Learn the various weapons, sensors, and controls, practice the art of hovering, and start slinging rounds at targets of opportunity.
VTOL VR - AH-94 攻击直升机 DLC - 百度贴吧
vtol vr - ..ah-94是一架双涡轮轴引擎的双座攻击直升机。 机头装有光学传感器,并可安装20毫米加特林炮或30毫米链炮。 4个翼下挂架可携带各种空对地导弹、火箭弹等装备,每个翼尖可挂载两枚小型空空导弹。
AH-94 'Dragonfly' NATOPS Manual : r/vtolvr - Reddit
2023年3月13日 · Formatted to align with CAW 8 F/A-26B 'Wasp' and F45 'Ghost' Manuals. Stay tuned for AV-42C, Trainer, and EW NATOPS Manuals. AH-94 MANUAL. pretty good, biggest thing i can think of is add more details to the radar, like what changing the altitude setting does in more detail, since its not fully intuitive.
AH-94 - The VTOL VR Wiki
The AH-94 "Dragonfly" is a dedicated attack helicopter designed chiefly for air-to-ground combat. It was released on the 6th of January 2022, as VTOL VR's first DLC aircraft. The AH-94 is known for its high maneuverability and responsiveness, allowing it to fill many close-range air support roles on the battlefield.