Ahra Ko
As a super-social species, we face diverse challenges and opportunities in navigating relationships: protecting ourselves from danger, avoiding infectious others, building friendships, gaining status, pursuing romantic partnerships, and caring for our families.
Ahra Ko - Google Scholar
Perceptions of mask‐wearers toward Whites and Asians: A cross‐cultural comparison during the early stage of the COVID‐19 pandemic.
Ahra Ko, PhD Bio - Behavior Change for Good Initiative
Dr. Ahra Ko is a Research Project Manager for the Behavior Change for Good (BCFG) Initiative at the University of Pennsylvania. She helps manage the day-to-day execution of BCFG’s large-scale field studies on behavior change.
Ahra Ko | ASU Search
Dr. Ahra Ko is a social psychologist, working in the Evolution, Ecology, and Social Behavior Lab and Evolutionary Social Cognition (Kenrick - Neuberg - Becker) Lab with Dr. Steven L. Neuberg. She is interested in (a) how environments and cultures calibrate our goals and motivational priorities, (b) how our goals and motivational priorities ...
Ahra Ko - Research Project Manager - Behavior Change for Good ...
View Ahra Ko’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members.
- 职位: Social Psychologist, Ph.D.
- 位置: Behavior Change for Good Initiative
- 人脉数: 171
Ahra KO | PhD Student | Ph.D Student | Arizona State
Ahra KO, PhD Student | Cited by 99 | of Arizona State University, AZ (ASU) | Read 17 publications | Contact Ahra KO
Ahra Ko - Brand Director - En Saison - LinkedIn
View Ahra Ko’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Brand Director at En Saison · Experienced Salesperson with a demonstrated history of working in the...
- 职位: Brand Director at En Saison
- 位置: En Saison
- 500+ 连接数
AHRA KO | Social psychologist
My conceptual framework integrates an understanding of fundamental social motives with an affordance management approach to human psychology, in which people seek to identify and manage the opportunities and threats they encounter.
Ahra Ko - London, England, United Kingdom - LinkedIn
View Ahra Ko’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Mizuho Bank, Ltd. · Experience: Mizuho · Education: Sogang University · Location: London · 343...
- 职位: Mizuho Bank, Ltd.
- 位置: Mizuho
- 人脉数: 343
Ahra KO | Royal College of Art, Kensington - ResearchGate
Ahra KO | Cited by 268 | of Royal College of Art, Kensington (RCA) | Read 10 publications | Contact Ahra KO