[2403.16354] ChatDBG: An AI-Powered Debugging Assistant
2024年3月25日 · Debugging is a critical but challenging task for programmers. This paper proposes ChatDBG, an AI-powered debugging assistant. ChatDBG integrates large language models (LLMs) to significantly enhance the capabilities and …
GitHub - plasma-umass/ChatDBG: ChatDBG - AI-assisted debugging. Uses AI ...
ChatDBG is an AI-based debugging assistant for C/C++/Python/Rust code that integrates large language models into a standard debugger (pdb, lldb, gdb, and windbg) to help debug your code. With ChatDBG, you can engage in a dialog with your debugger, asking open-ended questions about your program, like why is x null? .
2025年3月7日 · ddbg算法,全称为深度动态平衡搜索算法(Depth-Driven Dynamic Balance Search Algorithm),是一种结合了深度学习和动态平衡策略的算法。 它通过深度学习技术对问题进行建模,并运用动态平衡策略在搜索过程中优化解的质量和搜索效率。
Ddbg: a Distributed Debugger { User's Guide | Semantic Scholar
This document describes a debugging tool called DDBG that has been developed for a parallel software engineering environment and that was developed on top of the PVM environment in the scope of the SEPP and HPCTI projects of the COPERNICUS Programme.
一文带你理清DDPG算法(附代码及代码解释) - 知乎专栏
DDPG,全称是deep deterministic policy gradient,深度确定性策略梯度算法。 deep很好理解,就是用深度网络。 policy gradient我们也学过了。 那什么叫deterministic确定性呢? 其实DDPG也是解决连续控制型问题的的一个算法,不过和 PPO 不一样,PPO输出的是一个策略,也就是一个概率分布,而DDPG输出的直接是一个动作。 DDPG和PPO一样,也是 AC 的架构。 加上名字上有PG字眼,所以在学习的时候,很多人会以为DDPG就是只输出一个动作的PPO,所以直接省 …
DGB.LOL - The Swiss army knife for advanced image processing
DGB.LOL offers a collection of completely free tools mostly for image manipulation by utilizing the power of AI. All of our tools are completely free, with OpenAI API key you can use some of our specialized GPT's for image creation or image tagging.
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AliDbg (Ali.Debugger) - GitHub
AliDbg has 17 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.