ai/first-time-ai - xcom2mods - Reddit
Now, it's time to talk about how the AI of XCOM 2 works. Every X2CharacterTemplate in the game (even XCOM troopers, for when they get mind controlled) has a CharacterRoot, containing all the possible actions they could take with each action point they have.
[SOURCEMOD] Brutal-OXCE 7.12.1 - OpenXcom
2022年12月27日 · AI: " Brutal-AI" => This is the name-giving core-feature of this Mod. It includes an almost complete rework of how the AI determines what to do. All enemies can see and attack what anyone on their team sees.
XCOM 2 Mods - Reddit
If you want to use a case study of an AI extension that works, you can download my mod “A Better AI” from the Steam Workshop. The mod overhauls the AI in a big way and does so strictly by editing the AI.ini, without any scripting involved.
2022年5月21日 · ai会开挂,在黑暗中压你走位。 有没有这个感觉? 平时ai各个小队自己走自己的,但就是不让你舒服的伏击它。 而一旦开火暴露了,其他小队会很“随意”的晃过来触发乱入. 所以我的感觉是ai其实知道你就在这里,只是限于“规定”假装没看见你。 ai巡逻路线一是折磨心态,暗中跟你绕着走不能舒服的打伏击,二是除了救俘兵以外的任务玩不了潜行流派(全死神当我没说)。 我觉得制作组真挺有意思的,这么好个题材玩潜行肯定很有感觉,不知道为什么要封死 …
Steam Workshop::A Better AI: WotC - Steam Community
2017年8月30日 · A Better AI is the standalone version of the AI improvements that went into the enemy overhaul "A Better ADVENT". Use this if you do want all the AI changes, but none of the enemy variants. Attention: If you are already using Better ADVENT, do NOT install Better AI as well. Everything in this mod is already part of Better ADVENT. List of Changes:
A Better AI at XCOM2 Nexus - Mods and Community
2016年4月23日 · Revised and adjusted AI decision trees for almost all enemies: - The Better AI assigns new AI trees to the following 15 unit types: Trooper, Captain, Stun Lancer, Shieldbearer, MEC, Avatar, Turret, Andromedon, Archon, Berserker, Codex, Muton, Sectoid, Viper, Sectopod. - Examples for specific changes to unit behavior:
Future Complete AI vs A Better AI (ABA) : r/xcom2mods - Reddit
2019年8月24日 · I needed somewhere to post my thoughts and work through my own feelings on the two main AI packs available for XCOM 2 in 2019. When it comes to tinkering with the WOTC AI, there are two clear rival packs to choose from. The Future AI series by Advent Avenger, or the ABA series by DerBk.
Wibbles The Ai Controlled Chryssalid (wotc) - Nexus Mods
2018年7月26日 · This is an advanced ai controlled chryssalid soldier that you can build. He talks in text bubbles above his head and comments about things... He has a shoulder mounted rocket launcher and fully automatic autocannon...
Friendly ai mod - XCOM 2 - Nexus Mods Forums - The Nexus …
2016年4月1日 · It adds ai controlled allies into the game... Randomly generated civilians with guns that fight aliens... mini sectopod pets that follow your soldiers around and fight for you as well as deployable sentry guns.
Friendly AI Mod (F.A.I.M) at XCOM2 Nexus - Mods and Community
A total conversion mod in-progress that adds ai controlled friendly units to the game,new mission types,new game mechanics and more!
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