How it Works - The Autonomous Inflow Control Valve (AICV®)
2022年2月2日 · The Autonomous Inflow Control Valve, or AICV®, is an elegantly simple piece of technology designed to directly address the inherent issues of all horizontal wells, namely the heel-toe effect and Darcy’s law of flow through a porous medium.
AICV® technology - InflowControl
AICV technology improves oil production by reducing unwanted gas and water breakthrough. This enables mature oil fields to be more profitable by supporting oil production from zones that would have typically been bypassed.
Autonomous Inflow Control Valve | InflowControl
Unwanted Water & Gas Production in the Oil Industry. The AICV® can be tailored for your reservoir needs to partly or fully choke off unwanted gas, steam and/or water.
First Autonomous Inflow Control Valve AICV Well Completion
2016年9月26日 · The AICV was designed (and lab tested) to selectively choke back or shut off flow of free CO 2 gas and also high watercut (>99%), thereby significantly improving reservoir sweep and yielding higher oil production. The AICV opens or closes autonomously depending on sensed properties of wellbore fluids.
AICV® (Autonomous Inflow Control Valve) - NS Energy
AICV® enables opportunities to drill longer wells and achieve maximum reservoir contact and importantly achieve ‘production conformance’ within each well. Shut off un-wanted gas and un-wanted water which provides environmental and economical benefits.
418. 自主流入控制阀(AICVs)模拟在CO2 EOR及敏感性分析中的 …
在CO2-EOR项目中使用自主流入控制阀(AICVs)有助于更好地在储层中分布CO2,减少水和CO2混合物的生产,从而提高CO2的储存能力。 本研究的主要目标是模拟使用CO2气水交替(CO2 WAG)注入以及配备AICVs的高级井来从油藏中生产石油。 此外,还完成了对AICV技术的效果评估和对影响WAG过程的参数的敏感性分析。 模拟结果表明,配备AICV的完井可以在减少水产量的同时保持良好的石油产量,水产量从3e+06 m³减少到9.8e+04 m³,减少了97%。 敏感 …
ut and/or gas oil ratio significantly. The benefit of the AICV® is to provide balanced inflow of oil along a horizontal well, by autonomously choking or closing of the gas and water breakthrough zones yet still prod. erm, reliable func-tionality in mind. Material selection for use are robust and proven, 22Cr Duplex or Al.
374. 自主流入控制阀在薄油环储层提高石油采收率的影响(spe …
2024年5月20日 · aicv技术通过限制气体在突破区域的流入,有助于提升这些储层的石油采收率。 研究通过实验和模拟相结合的方法,对比分析了AICV、被动流入控制装置(ICD)和砂筛的性能。
AICV® autonomously manage water and gas inflow locally by effectively choking or shutting-off water/gas zones while allowing oil producing zones to flourish, increasing ultimate oil recovery. AICVs are designed and tested in multi-phases and must pass strin-
Making Better Wells with AICV® | InflowControl
The case study shows the impact of the Autonomous Inflow Control Valve (AICV®) in a field traditionally plagued by high water cut and early water breakthrough. These watered wells comprise 40% of inactive strings creating significant challenges of preserving cost-effective oil production due to increased water-related complications.