Aiga Forum, a forum for news and views that promotes Unity in …
East African News: Aigaforum.com is your Reliable Source for Ethiopian, Tigrayan, and East African related news. You will find daily Regional News and Topical Discussion Forum Blog
Aiga Forum, an Ethiopian forum for news and views that promotes ...
2020年9月2日 · Reflections on Revolutions Aesop 08/30/2020 - I was pleasantly surprised by the election debates in Tigrai. The parties introduced their political programs with clarity. Their concern for Tigrai was evident. Their critiques were civil. The commission assigned capable moderators. The moderators allocated sufficient time. They organized the discussion around …
Aiga Forum, an Ethiopian forum for news and views promoting …
2017年9月9日 · Interview with Ato Meles Alem Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson, September 09, 2017 (Aigaforum) Sep 09, 2017 - In an exclusive Interview with Aigaforum Ato Meles Alem, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson wished a happy and prosperous Ethiopia's 2010 New Year for all Ethiopians! Answering to questions raised, Ato Meles explained the status of Saudi …
Aiga Forum, a forum for news and views that promotes Unity in …
2022年1月7日 · Tigray Army Rested, Energized! Ready to finish the unfinished business unless miracle happen soon and signatures are placed on the dotted line for a cessation of hostilities!
Aiga Forum, a forum for news and views that promotes Unity in …
FORGET THE “FORGIVE & FORGET” MANTRA OF A MISPLACED PITY Adal Isaw [email protected] Jan 02 2011 The law on some perverted occasions becomes blind; for instance, when it indiscriminately prohibits the owner of a mansion and a homeless from spending the night underneath a bridge. When its sight is twenty-twenty, it is likely to see and treat an …
Aiga Forum, an Ethiopian forum for news and views that promotes ...
2019年9月15日 · The Agony of Governing: Oromo Elites having as a second thought on Abiy Government-Sep 2019 (Once we knew TPLF has taken a firm stand on the Multi-National Federation and the Constitution, it was obvious for us to say the least, the Federalists will be a majority securing the continuity of Ethiopia. If federalist fail to unite, we are afraid, let alone the …
Aiga Forum, an Ethiopian forum for news and views that promotes ...
Update: Tigrai Election and Allocation of 38 Seats It is not without reason we always trust the TPLF to do the right thing. From the beginning, it is the only Ethiopian political organization that adjusts to reality and enjoys the full support of its people. The overwhelmingly electoral win it got during the recently held election legally empowers the TPLF to govern the State for the next …
Revolutionary Democracy: The Path to - aigaforum.com
2008年2月20日 · What is liberalism or liberal outlook anyways? And what makes revolutionary democracy a fitting worldview for economic and political development of Ethiopia? Liberalism, according to Britannica Concise Encyclopedia is a “political and economic doctrine that emphasizes the rights and freedoms of the individual and the need to limit the powers of …
Aiga Forum, an Ethiopian forum for news and views that promotes ...
2020年9月3日 · Meaza Ashenafi has become an especially important useful idiot to Abiy Ahmed. For some unknown reasons, she has become the right-hand woman of Abiy Ahmed in destroying the Ethiopian fabric. She is on record to suggest a military option to subdue the Tigrai government and to diminish Tigrean aspiration to self-rule. Our source told us Meaza was the one that read …
Aiga Forum, a forum for news and views that promotes Unity in …
You see; there is a distinction to be made between life in its strictest human context and life as in the political life that we live according to our ideological precepts. The former is the embodiment, the quintessential of what life really is and the latter, nothing more than discoursing, premised on our political animal instinct to win over debates on pertinent social, economic and ...