HRC Homepage
Portal for active and reserve enlisted and officer information, including promotions and selections. Formerly PERSCOM.
Portal - Login - Army HRC Portal
My Record Portal is HRC's self-service portal for the Army’s Active Duty, Reserve, National Guard, Retirees and Veterans. IPERMS data is no longer available in My Record Portal. Users …
AIM2 - U.S. Army Recruiting Command
As an Operations Officer, you will learn the intricate workings of the accession process, from identifying potential applicants, to shipping Future Soldiers for Initial Active Duty Training …
AIM2 in health and disease: inflammasome and beyond - PMC
Research over the past decade has revealed that AIM2 plays essential roles not only in host defense against pathogens but also in inflammatory diseases, autoimmunity, and cancer in …
O AIM2 File Edit View Favorites Tools Help personnel Accountability BAH-PME Coordination HRC Homepage U.S. Army Human Resour.. AIM AIM Portal Access Web Slice Gallery You …
tal 2019 issue 3 | The Army Lawyer | Periodicals | TJAGLCS
There’s a lot of buzz about the Assignment Interactive Module 2.0 (AIM2) among officers throughout the Army. You may have heard the term thrown around by your S1, your fellow …
The AIM2 inflammasome: Sensor of pathogens and cellular ... - PubMed
AIM2 is a member of innate immune sensors that detects the presence of DNA, arguably the most conserved molecules in living organisms. However, AIM2 achieves specificity by detecting …
Role of AIM2 inflammasome in inflammatory diseases, cancer and ...
AIM2 is a cytosolic innate immune receptor which recognizes double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) released during cellular perturbation and pathogenic assault. AIM2 recognition of dsDNA leads …
AIM2 inflammasome in infection, cancer, and autoimmunity: Role …
AIM2 is a cytoplasmic sensor that recognizes dsDNA of microbial or host origin. Upon binding to DNA, AIM2 assembles a multiprotein complex called the inflammasome, which drives …
AIM 2.0: Your One-Stop Shop for Talent Management
2021年3月15日 · In recent years, the Army transitioned to a new talent management model called the Army Talent Alignment Process (ATAP) hosted on a web-based system known as …