Structural basis of the arbitrium peptide–AimR communication
2018年9月17日 · During the lytic cycle, AimR binds upstream of the aimX gene, activating its transcription. The AimP protein consists of 43 amino acids that encode an N-terminal signal sequence and a...
Closely related and yet special – how SPβ family phages control …
2024年12月6日 · The YopN-dependent release of MazF from the MazE–MazF complex is curbed by AimX, which also interacts with YopN . Once entering the lysogenic cycle, the prophage (at least shown for SPβ) still communicates via the arbitrium peptide and by this protects surrounding bacteria from lysis (Figure 1B) [66,67].
Arbitrium communication controls phage lysogeny through non …
2024年1月4日 · Our results show how a bacterial toxin–antitoxin system has been co-opted by a phage to control lysis/lysogeny decisions without compromising host viability. Temperate bacteriophages (or phages)...
枯草芽胞杆菌噬菌体竞争寄主抗毒素蛋白控制生命周期 - 知乎
2024年1月9日 · 噬菌体在溶原周期中,将其DNA整合到宿主基因组中,与宿主关联在一起,从而利于噬菌体的生存,而在 裂解周期 中,产生多个噬菌体颗粒并释放到环境中。 噬菌体利用两种生命周期转换在不同的条件下生存。 多个芽胞杆菌噬菌体家族已被证明使用仲裁通讯系统(arbitrium communication system)来控制在初始感染时选择裂解还是溶原。 已知仲裁通讯系统由aimR、aimP、aimX3个噬菌体基因组成,其中aimP编码43个氨基酸的 多肽,分泌至细胞外被切割 …
AimR Adopts Preexisting Dimer Conformations for Specific Target ...
aimR encodes a transcription factor that binds to the upstream of aimX gene and activates AimX expression, leading to phage lysis. Alternatively, AimR also functions as an intracellular receptor of an arbitrium peptide derived from AimP and transduces this signal into phage lysogeny.
Antagonistic interactions between phage and host factors control ...
2024年1月4日 · We show that phi3T expresses AimX and YosL, which bind to and inactivate MazF. AimX also inhibits the function of phi3T_93, a protein that promotes lysogeny by binding to MazE and releasing...
Communication between viruses guides lysis-lysogeny decisions
AimX is an inhibitor of lysogeny, possibly as a regulatory ncRNA, directing the phage to a lytic cycle. At the same time AimP is expressed, secreted and processed extracellularly to produce the mature peptide.
The life cycle of SPβ and related phages - PMC - PubMed Central …
The arbitrium system consists of AimR, a transcription activator; AimP, a quorum-sensing signal peptide; and AimX, a non-coding RNA (ncRNA), which is a lysogeny activator or lysis repressor. AimP is a small peptide with an N-terminal signal sequence that allows it to be secreted into the medium via the B. subtilis Sec pathway.
破译支持噬菌体任意通信系统的分子机制,Molecular Cell - X-MOL
Arbitrium communication is mediated by the production and secretion of a hexapeptide (AimP) during lytic cycle. Once internalized, AimP reduces the expression of the negative regulator of lysogeny, AimX, by binding to the transcription factor, AimR, promoting lysogeny.
Structural basis of the arbitrium peptide-AimR communication ... - PubMed
In the absence of the arbitrium peptide, AimR targets the upstream sequence of the aimX gene; its DNA binding activity is prevented following peptide binding. In summary, our findings provide a structural basis for peptide recognition in the phage lysis …