Airbus A380 - Wikipedia
The Airbus A380 is a very large wide-body airliner, developed and produced by Airbus until 2021. It is the world's largest passenger airliner and the only full-length double-deck jet airliner. …
A380 | Airbus
With its unique cabin architecture and the quietest cabin in the sky, the A380 has unmatched passenger appeal. The A380 has been voted as the best aircraft type by Global Traveler's …
空中客车A380 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
空中巴士A380 (Airbus A380)是 空中巴士 公司研发的双层4发巨型客机。 該型號的原型機於2004年中首次亮相。 首架A380客機於2005年1月18日在 圖盧茲 廠房舉行出廠典禮,並於4 …
A380 - Unique passenger experience | Airbus - Airbus Aircraft
The A380 is a truly unique aircraft in more ways than one, and will continue to fly our skies for years to come. Just as its capabilities and operations are unique, connecting mega-cities …
空中客车A380 - 百度百科
空客A380是四引擎、525座超大型双层客机,发动机为Engine Alliance GP7200或Rolls-Royce Trent 900涡扇发动机,航程14800千米。 截至2019年2月,空中客车接到290个订单,并交付 …
Airbus A380-800 - Lufthansa
Seat map of the Airbus A380-800 for you to download. PDF download seat map A380-800 main deck and upper deck (8F / 78C / 52E / 371M) Technical data. Length 72.73 m Wingspan 79.80 …
空中客车A380-800 - 百度百科
空中客车 A380是法国 空中客车公司 的最新巨型客机,也是全球 载客量 最高的客机。 A380为双层四引擎客机,采最高密度座位安排时可承载850名乘客,在典型三舱等配置(头等-商务- 经济 …
- [PDF]
Since July 2019, Emirates operates the world’s shortest scheduled A380 service, flying a distance of 349 kilometres with a total travel time of less than one hour from Dubai to Muscat.- Oman. …
The Airbus A380: The Largest Passenger Aircraft - Engineerine
2025年3月4日 · The Airbus A380 is one of the most iconic aircraft in aviation history.Designed to revolutionize air travel, it remains the world’s largest passenger airplane ever built. With its full …
Airbus A380-800 | About BA | British Airways
The Airbus A380 is a double-deck, wide-body, four-engine jet manufactured by Airbus Industrie, the European consortium. It is the world's largest commercial passenger aircraft and the upper …