2019年1月30日 · QR 310 Quincy Compressor 2022204700, July 2014 1 3501 Wismann Lane, Quincy IL - 62305-3116 INTRODUCTION This manual provides information for the following QR-25 Series, Model 310 (Record of Change 107) compressor versions: L Control Version L head assembly with 2 unloader towers & a hydraulic unloader LS Control Version LS
Craftsman 1/2hp compressor repair - Master Tool Repair Forum
2016年6月2日 · Several months ago a friend gave me a compressor service kit, Thomas model SK-1207/80. A couple weeks ago I decided to effect the repair but quickly found out the piston and sleeve in the repair kit are larger (same stroke but larger diameter) than the piston and sleeve in my compressor. I believe the repair kit is for a 1HP compressor.
Bostitch pancake 6Gal OL1-95 Air Compressor - Master Tool Repair
2020年11月2日 · The compressor I have is the 3 valve version and one of the valves broke so it would only build to about 20 psi. Replaced connecting rod, piston ring, connecting rod cover, cylinder, valve plate assembly. Installed assembly as shipped with all plates and gaskets unmoved. Resulted in a compressor that isn't compressing.
2006年2月1日 · compressor any closer than 3 feet from the cooler to a wall. B.) Install a shut-off valve between the compressor and the air distribution. C.) On an aftercooled compressor provide a water separator and trap. Provide a suitable drain for the condensate water. D.) Check compressor for proper oil level. E.)
Air Compressor Forum - Master Tool Repair
Very Loud Older Campbell Hausfeld 7.5 HP, 80 Gal, 2 Stage Compressor Topic started 2 years 3 months ago, by Dave S Last Post 2 years 3 months ago
Craftsman 921.165720 air compressor - Master Tool Repair
Craftsman 921.165720 air compressor was created by catapultman3 I am trying to help my son-in-law over the phone (he is 700 miles away). He is trying to separate the plastic cover on top of this compressor.
air compressor - Master Tool Repair Forum
2016年6月7日 · For quicker assistance, please call one of our sales associates at 757-547-8665 and someone can easily locate the parts for your air compressor. - MTR Please Log in or Create an account to join the conversation.
Husky air compressor shut off problem - Master Tool Repair
2014年10月31日 · I own a Husky F3S33VWD compressor. About a month ago the compressor would not shut off, and would only achieve 100 psi. I replaced the pressure switch, but it did not resolve the problem. I then installed a new valve plate assembly. It now reached 150 psi, but will not shut off. The pressure relief does not trip. What else should I look at?
air compressor repair help - Master Tool Repair Forum
2015年7月21日 · I just picked up a used Husky 25 gal air compressor. When I started it up it ran well and sounded just fine. It took its time, 10 min or so, to get to 70 psi. Well that is as far as it got with the pressure. I allowed it to run about 20 min but the pressure gauge still showed 70 psi. What do you think my problem could be?
Craftsman 921.165720 air compressor - Master Tool Repair Forum
2016年9月11日 · e. Remove the air filter. Photo 4. The cowling won't come off unless you remove the air filter first. f. Using a large flat screwdriver pry the cowling apart at the indentations located around the center seam. Photo 5 shows the indentation on the edge of the cowling. It looks like a notch. Care should be used to prevent the cowling from cracking.