Section 3. Airport Marking Aids and Signs - Federal Aviation Administration
Airport pavement markings and signs provide information that is useful to a pilot during takeoff, landing, and taxiing. Uniformity in airport markings and signs from one airport to another enhances safety and improves efficiency.
Visual Signs - Federal Aviation Administration
Use ATC light signals from TBL 3-2-1 to control aircraft and the movement of vehicles, equipment, and personnel on the movement area when radio communications cannot be employed.
Radio Communications Phraseology and Techniques
Pilots should use the phonetic alphabet when identifying their aircraft during initial contact with air traffic control facilities. Additionally, use the phonetic equivalents for single letters and to spell out groups of letters or difficult words during adverse communications conditions.
Aviation call signs - Wikipedia
Aviation call signs or aircraft call signs are communication call signs assigned as unique identifiers referring to an aircraft. Call signs in aviation are derived from several different policies, depending upon the type of flight operation and whether or not the caller is in an aircraft or at a …
New Pilot's Guide to ATC Communication - AOPA
This short section covers the essentials—radio technique, radio contact procedures, aircraft call signs, ground station call signs, and the International Civil Aviation Organization phonetic alphabet.
Signs And Signals - AOPA
2000年8月5日 · Be certain that you have clearance from air traffic control, typically the ground controller, to cross any runway marked by a mandatory sign. Upon receiving initial taxi clearance, or while taxiing, you may be instructed to hold short of …
Airline Aircraft and Airliner call signs for ATC - Movies, Reference, Facts, Pictures & Videos of Aircraft, Airlines, Airplanes & Flight.
Air Force Cryptological Aids Operations (AFKAO)-1, USAF Voice Call Sign Instructions, contains detailed instructions on acquiring, classifying, releasing, and using call signs.
Air traffic control - Wikipedia
Air traffic control (ATC) is a service provided by ground-based air traffic controllers who direct aircraft on the ground and through a given section of controlled airspace, and can provide advisory services to aircraft in non-controlled airspace.
Aircraft Call Sign - SKYbrary Aviation Safety
An aircraft call sign is a group of alphanumeric characters used to identify an aircraft in air-ground communications.