H145 - Airbus
The Airbus H145 is the latest member of the company’s four-tonne-class twin-engine rotorcraft product range. It has has quickly become one of the industry’s leading helicopters, with built-in mission capability and flexibility, especially in high and hot operating conditions.
H145 technical information - Airbus
As the quietest helicopter in its class, the twin-engine H145 offers exceptional performance along with upgraded main and tail rotor systems. This guarantees an unprecedented level of performance in both hover and one-engine inoperative conditions.
Eurocopter EC145 - Wikipedia
The Airbus Helicopters H145 (formerly Eurocopter EC145) is a twin-engine light utility helicopter developed and manufactured by Airbus Helicopters. Originally designated as the BK 117 , the H145 is based upon the MBB/Kawasaki BK 117 C1 , which became a part of the combined Eurocopter line-up in 1992 with the merger of Messerschmitt-Bölkow ...
H145M - Airbus
The twin-engine H145M offers the crucial capability of delivering troops and materials quickly with minimum delay, while also rapidly applying firepower to neutralize or destroy opposing forces. Additionally, it offers support for friendly forces in combat, and is ideal for acquiring, interpreting and exploiting crucial information.
H-145直升机 - 百度百科
空中客车H-145直升机是空客直升机公司瞄准市场空缺而研制的一种轻型双发多用途 直升机。 于1998年开始研制,1999年6月首飞,H145于2001年5月开始交付用户使用,主要用途有搜索救援、紧急勤务、准军用/警务、专机/载客运输、货运、近海作业、航摄/新闻采访以及训练等。 H-145由 双引擎 驱动,机身小巧,操作灵活。 虽然如此,机舱内部空间十分充足,地面宽敞平坦,舱内可容纳8位乘客,十分舒适,内置的Stylence程序可为乘客提供高效的办公环境。 H145是空客直 …
Aircraft Overview: Airbus H145 | Aviation Week Network
The H145 is an intermediate twin-engine helicopter that is based on the MBB-BK117 type and produced by European manufacturer Airbus Helicopters.
AIRBUS H145 - D3 Ł As a further evolution of the BK117 family, the H145 provides latest technologies, like the advanced cockpit design with the most modern Human Machine Interface (HMI) and state-of-the-art Helionixfi avionics and a Fenestronfi antitorque-device.
Airbus Helicopters H145 | AIR.ONE | OEM’s Showroom
The Airbus Helicopters H145 is a light twin-engine helicopter widely adopted by HEMS, Offshore Oil and Wind Energy operators and represents a highly desirable corporate platform. The aft clamshell doors enable unparalleled ingress and egress for stretcher patients and storage of oversized luggage such as skis and surfboards when in a corporate ...
AIRBUS H145 Specifications, Cabin Dimensions, Performance
The H145 joins Airbus Helicopters’ multi-purpose EC145/BK117 family, from which some 1,100 rotorcraft are in service worldwide – logging a combined total of more than four million flight hours. Bringing a large cabin, a compact airframe, and powerful engines, the H145 responds to a multitude of mission needs.
How Popular is the Airbus H145 Turbine Helicopter? | AvBuyer
Jeremy Parkin offers an overview of this popular twin-engine turbine model. The Airbus H145 has its roots in former German manufacturer MBB. With certification of all 145 variants being based on MBB’s original BK117 approval, the twin-engine light utility helicopter model predates MBB’s merger with Aerospatiale in 1992, forming Eurocopter.